the healthy hearth was created with love. our nation is lost cos - TopicsExpress


the healthy hearth was created with love. our nation is lost cos love is lost. people go astray hoping that they re on the way. Hatred is replaced with love lost. The horse rider hates pedestrians, The well-dressed loathes rag-wearers, The well - fed loathes the hungery, The rich loathes the poor and vise versal. we neglect the fact that both bitter leaf and surgery cane experience thesame rainfall. Besides, a set of twins dont share the same destiny. All these lead to the adversities and worse condition of our nation. partial judgements, nepotism, egoism, egotism, animalism, animosity, religious and racial prejudices and so on, are prevailing and dominating us. the only solution to all this is LOVE. LOVE will lead our way to pleasant destination and ameliorate our deteriorating Nigeria. LOVE UR NEIGHBORS AS YOURSELVES.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 10:39:12 +0000

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