the money that was used to bail out these sociopaths could have - TopicsExpress


the money that was used to bail out these sociopaths could have served the people. it could have paid for sheltering, clothing, and feeding the entirety of the human population for centuries to come. what an epic failure of imagination unitedstatesians! these are the greatest terrorists alive today. with crony handshakes and simple pen strokes, they sign away the life-support capacity of the planet for eons to come, and down the shitter we go. why? because unitedstatesians let them. because there are enough crumbs to pacify the masses. because of video games and sitcoms, because of fbook, and styrofoam food, because of myths that direct anger inwards and that radiate outwards with fear of boogeymen, both nearby and afar. and on, and on,... yeah - its not that simple. these men devour the possibilities of dreams to bloom in a new day. lets consider composting these problems, meaning we can bury paulson and geithner in the ground up to their necks in the middle of a recently desertified stretch of once lush rainforest. with the nutrients of their decomposing bodies we can grow the beginnings of a new forest. or, perhaps we treat their remains like the refuse of a great super fund site. ok, now, ive gone too far for fbook. but, they somehow havent in how they have facilitated the destruction of so much of the commons - if it wasnt already dead. so strange. grow some positive change outta the ruble of civilization. then again, excuse the anthropocentric quality of this lil babbling rant.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 17:06:56 +0000

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