the most beautiful place on the planet, is yellowstone. hands down - TopicsExpress


the most beautiful place on the planet, is yellowstone. hands down nothing matches the incredible beauty of that place. its literally like magic, blue, yellow, green lakes, boiling fountains, bears, buffulo. nothing i say will matter, nothing i say will come even close to describing the beauty of that place. all i can say is that every single human being needs to experiance that kind of awesome feeling of godly beauty. to live with the crow. i wish i could show you all these images in my head. at one time we were consumed by miles of buffalo, rolling along with them in our cadillac, like a strange blue wheeled beast. i was so close i could literally touch them. and as we drove along, at the pace of a walking buffalo, on the side of a mountain 2000ft tall, i realized, at my very young age, before i was even a decade old, how important and amazing the things i was seeing were. i realized at that young age that i had never known true beauty, true majesty, true awesomeness. it literally gave me the ability to grab a very small glimps into the mind of the great architech. never have i seen more beauty. we drove for days to get there, through vegas, utah, the rockies, and when we got there, we drove for days. i remember on one of our drives, we were going along in a forrest, and eventually everything turns from absolute beauty, heaven, into a hell-like scene. there was the leftovers of trees a hundred feet tall, black sticks shooting up from the ground. and the ground itself was grey, and completely covered in ash. it was very strange to go from a totally luch forrest to a complete wasteland, the ash was everywhere, and unlike a normal forrest, i could see the horizon beyond. usually a forrest will block the horizon with its branches, and leaves, but was nothing but black sticks shooting up from a grey ground and every single burnt out tree was visible for miles. we saw elk, and moose, who freely wandered thru the towns, and when they got too close to someones house, they would shoot em with slingshots. huge animals, pushed away with a small rock and a few shouts. we would drive to the tops of mountains, and look down onto the park, and see as far as my little eyes could see. below us once, was a bear and her young ones, people were all around taking pictures, and very shortly afterwards a park ranger showed up and tryed very hard to get everyone to go, because a momma bear aint nothing to mess around with. but the people were captured by their curiosity, and most moved off very very slowly. i think of this place and i can literally feel a phyical pull on my heart. if i die in a city i will have failed in my life...the strangeness and beauty of that place planted a seed in my soul, that has continued to grow to this very day, and will only mature once i reach the wild. these places, these national monuments to creation are gifts, that we should all experiance. not only is it the most beautiful examples of forrests mountains, animals, on the planet; but it has one of a kind examples of strange volcanic majesty. sure you can find forrests elsewhere, sure you can find volcanos elsewhere, but you can not find the most exqusite examples of them in the same place except for yellowstone. nothing i say can bring meaning to it, yellowstone can not be properly described, it can only be experianced. i hope to raise my family there soon. a love song to creation. the most beautiful place on the planet is yellowstone.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 14:31:59 +0000

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