the passing of a loved one always makes us stop and pause and - TopicsExpress


the passing of a loved one always makes us stop and pause and reflect upon not only the life of the one we have lost, but on our own as well. even though i know we can not help to cry, hurt and mourn, and at some times even go a little crazy due to the amount of pain caused by how deep our love runs for them and not having them around and feeling that gaping hole that has been ripped out of our hearts. I look back upon my life and see all that i have come through, where i am now. i do not want any one shedding any tears for me. i want there to be a party when i go. dont think about my death, no, i am not dead. in stead think about my life for that is when i will be truly living. Honestly i do sit back from time to time and i am so tired. i look up to my Father and tell Him,ready when you are Father. i am too through with all this, please, call me home then I see something a little different. i see the lives of all those i love beyond word, actions or any expression can tell, and i see what i am to do, and i realize i am not done, i still have work to do, and a war to fight in and to press on. i tell my Father, yes, i understand, Your will be done Father use me as you wish and for as long as You wish. My life is all yours. the best thing i can do to not fall apart due to the suffering and pain i still feel for my passed loved ones, is to celebrate their life and hear their laugh, see their smile, feel their hug, remember their words and time we spent, and apply the lessons they taught me to my life. i know they look down upon me and watch me and see all that i do. i want them to look down with smiles and not for them to look upon me and be grieved by the way i live my life, and miss represent them. when other see me and remember my dad, brother, momma diane, and think to themselves, they are proud of who i grew into. not look at me and think, man what happen to jimmy daughter? she out there i sham my dads memory. i want to add to their legacy not take away from it. rejoice in their memory, lift them up to God. take comfort that they are resting in Christ, awaiting to be called up home when Christ returns. and the next thing they see will be the very presents God the Father LORD almighty.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 05:18:24 +0000

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