the people spouting religious quotes on here about his after life - TopicsExpress


the people spouting religious quotes on here about his after life and soul are missing the point. Musa was BLACK!!! People know nothing of Africa. Theres been a poor perception of the continent and the people for the longest. This debunks the poor did nothing, contributed nothing myth, he was the richest and didnt live in a grass hutt. Unlike · Reply · 442 · December 21 at 4:28pm Hide 28 Replies Ryan Schofill He also owned the most slaves Like · 6 · December 21 at 6:44pm Ryan Schofill Wealth via tyranny not commerce Like · December 21 at 6:45pm Sheldon Smith AND!!!! was that apart of my statement? US founding fore fathers owned slaves but there still giving props and not vilified. So back to the topic, history books say nothing of this man SMH and he was the RICHEST EVER!!!! Unlike · 41 · December 21 at 6:48pm Sheldon Smith and wealth via tyranny. Isnt that the story of AMERICA and other colonnise settled by Europeans. We talk about that, talk about Musa Unlike · 32 · December 21 at 6:50pm Nadira Daas Thuneibat Whites have an excuse for all the evil they did but they never look at africa and accept that it was civilized centuries before europe and that the people were not savages and living in huts. Musa was extremely wealthy and he traded with the Middle East and the rest of Asia. Traded with countries that the white man call third world countries. Because of the greed of some and the evil of the Europeans Africa was oppressed to steal its riches and still up to this day Africa is rich in everything but it is also still being robbed. Unlike · 71 · December 21 at 7:48pm Jonathan Padron Sheldon Smith What do you mean history books say nothing of this man? Where do you think this NatGeo video got its information from? Like · 1 · December 22 at 8:09am Sheldon Smith when I say history books, Im talking about what we learned in school. When I was in school 1st - 12th grade spoke nothing of him, even though they claimed we were learning world history. You had to go way out of your way to get info on him but national geographic would depict the poor bones through their noses africans all day. Unlike · 24 · December 22 at 10:02am Scott Markowitz I teach high school world history and he is definitely part of the curriculum. Like · 3 · December 22 at 2:11pm Rico Hughes He wasnt black, black is an adjective he was a moor you can tell by the way he dressed.. Like · 3 · December 22 at 2:59pm PJ Brown Nadira Daas Thuneibat You are the best. Your summary was perfect. Like · 7 · December 22 at 3:07pm Sheldon Smith Moors are black Rico. Their from northern Africa and that word means BLACK. Unlike · 24 · December 22 at 7:31pm · Edited Richard Reyes being rich does not make you a better person, the misconception that the more wealthier you are the better person you are is totally wrong. Like · 4 · December 22 at 5:59pm Ash Walton Who actually cares what color the guy was, he could have been yellow or purple for all any one cares. Its the man not the color.... Bunch of color blind morons. Like · 1 · December 22 at 6:52pm · Edited Sheldon Smith Ok Ash, how would you like it if I hid your identity and accomplishments. Then replaced them with nothing or mediocre. Thats what this is about ok. Your statement is moronic. Those who right history books and maps only want to tell things from perspective. Like · 19 · December 22 at 7:02pm Sheldon Smith Im tired of responding you guys have fun. Unlike · 4 · December 22 at 7:03pm Brandon Sparkman Concealing black history or not teaching it to black youth. Denies them the right to pull from their past in order to move forward.... Dont know where to go, if you dont know where youve been. My world history class was all about Europe. Unlike · 17 · December 22 at 7:19pm · Edited Lo Teller Omg just quit ur rambling this is educational and ur just ruining it Like · 1 · December 22 at 8:14pm Andy Beaty Haha. Sheldon says a statement is moronic and then says right instead of write. Classic. Unlike · 4 · December 22 at 10:31pm Tica Thee Teek Fields You all are missing the point. This is African history that isnt taught in schools. Our kids are taught to believe that they are ONLY the descendants of slaves. That Africa is a poor continent full of disease. But they dont tell the truth about how Africa got that way. They dont teach the real reason our ancestors were forced into slavery, which was to transfer the wealth from Africans to Europeans. Unlike · 27 · Yesterday at 5:45am Gardenia Romero Its ok guys.. They dont teach anything about Mexicans either.. We were enslaved by spaniards and were lynched by whites.. Like · 9 · Yesterday at 1:41pm Sayd-ALi AL-Hadhrami I never learned about him. Like · Yesterday at 2:32pm Felecia Bazile Rico, the word Moor means black. Like · 4 · Yesterday at 4:04pm Kemetic Valley Must be some honkey talking about, who cares about his race (color)! Typical happens every time! They come in and want to distract you from yours! Unlike · 2 · 18 hours ago Zhivan Rendev Come on guys how can white guys be wrong I mean they have that indisputable authority called Hollywood teaching them all about Africa for nearly a century now. Unlike · 4 · 17 hours ago Rossell L Powell He did not own the the most slaves. Unlike · 1 · 16 hours ago Toni Tay Thank you. Although I am religious, I do know that our history has been tampered with and where most Christians believe nothing matters but God, I happen to know that we lost a large part of ourselves when we lost our history and that is why we have fallen so far from where we were. To get back there, is to get back to our spirituality as it should have been. Like · 2 · 6 hours ago · Edited Kwasi Bradley Sheldon keep enlightened the truth because is just real..
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 23:54:18 +0000

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