the state of wAste bengal; some enlightened comments - • - TopicsExpress


the state of wAste bengal; some enlightened comments - • myghosthutJune 06, 2014 7:56 AM I dont understand one thing. Most of the top leaders in TMC and erstwhile CPM were upper caste Bengalis. The way they are appeasing Muslims for votes, a day might come when their daughters will sold to some Saudi Sheikh because of their fathers folly. Knowing this why they are indulging in this. Modi has shown that elections can be won without minority vote bank politics. Another intriguing thing is why the commies have so much love for one particular religion and hatred for another religion. Commies dont believe in god which is opposite to what Muslims believe. By that rationale they are also Kafir. • the penguinJune 06, 2014 8:35 AM Commies love any system that serves to curb individual freedom and make people non-thinking, obedient zombies, willing to kill for their beliefs. Commies depend upon unquestioned faith in the system. Commies discourage dissent of any kind. Commies believe in early indoctrination of children to their ideology. Any religion come to mind? • Subhajit ChakrabortyJune 06, 2014 8:17 AM .... it pains me to see that every single day crimes against BJP supporters by Mamata & her goons is increasing. TMC it seems does not believe in the rule of law & Mamata thinks herself as a ruler not as an elected representative of the people. Her extreme levels of Muslim appeasement is dangerous not only for Bengal but for India as well. Many RW in India hold the people of the state responsible for the mess they are in, what they fail to understand is that CMP & TMC are ruling there because they have successfully used violence & intimidation as a political weapon, not because people support them. Modi & BJP cant leave Bengal to the mercy of its current administration, if need be the TMC govt should be dismissed. Mamata it seems has given a free hand to the Muslim goons to teach the Hindus a lesson for daring to vote for BJP .• KapsJune 06, 2014 11:18 AM Communism like Islam is an indoctrinated religion, which preaches allegiance to the ideology and not to individual, country or society. That way both Islam & Communism are very much alike hence the unstated affinity. It wont be wrong in saying that perhaps Mohammed was the greatest nationalist ever..even after centuries of his death he ensured that followers of his ideology pay allegiance to his land (Mecca & Madina) over their own homeland..Similarly Indian communists too, look up to and feel more loyal to China & erstwhile USSR than to India, as has been proved by their support to British in WW-II and to China during Indo-China war.. • AnandJune 06, 2014 12:56 PM There are several visible resemblence bwtn Islam and commies other than those u have listed. Both have loyalities beyond national boundaries.Both consider an unknown believer in an alien country as a greater friend than a non believer in his own neighbourhood.Both grow a dirty beard to show their fundamentalism to the ideology.Both take sides in a dispute,not based on justifications but based on who is involved.Cadres r generally illiterates and depend on Mullas /intellectualsfor ideological guidance.America is a common enemy for both.Both believe that solutions to all problems in the world are locked inside their holy books.Leaders believe in silencing those who question rather than answer them. • vijayraghav raoJune 07, 2014 7:08 AM Communism has collapsed the world over and even in India it is in its last legs. similarly, even Islam will implode and collapse suddenly on account of its own internal contradictions. It may be the fastest growing religion today, but materialism and hedonism will overwhelm everything. WHEN MONEY CAN GET YOU VIRGINS ON EARTH WHY STRIVE FOR SOMETHING UNCERTAIN FROM UNKNOWN IN SOME UNPROVED HEAVEN ?? so per my extrapolation , unbridled selfishness and self indulgence will be the only future religion( dominant religion ) that will exist on earth. Matter of time. Say within next two decades • nonymousJune 06, 2014 9:20 AM Awesome topic and post. Actually the reason why TMC and CPM actions look similar is because, all the umemployed goons of CPM after TMC victory has seamlessly merged into TMC. And now they are using their 34 years of experience in support of TMC, Thats why you see TMC has acheived the level of voilence in 2 years which CPM mastered over many years. Poriborton you know!!!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 17:30:19 +0000

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