the story begins with a pill for pain, simple like aspirin, - TopicsExpress


the story begins with a pill for pain, simple like aspirin, tylenol, or advil. But the pain persists and then migrates to your stomach because of so many pain pills you took for what you thought was a simple muscle strain. Now you have ulcer(s), and must treat them with Ranitidine. The MD decides you should take Hydrocodone for the bone pain - it is stronger (but, he doesnt tell you, its also addictive). So then you go to a pain specialist who tells you Hydrocodone is addictive and you should get off it and start using Suboxone which in fact is an opiate. You try that for awhile, but with the narcotics you start getting sleepy in the middle of the day; so the MD puts you on Nuvigil which should counteract the narcolepsy (a dangerous condition which can lead to death).Your breathing at night becomes more irregular; you wake up sometimes gasping for air; your spouse tells you that she has heard your respiration stop for minutes at a time. So, the MD says now we hook you up to a breathing machine, a CPAP, which means you must NEVER forget to put a mask on at night (a person whom I admired greatly passed on years ago because he forgot to put it on). Ah, but the pain has not gone away in your joints, so you become more sedentary. Becoming more sedentary eventually makes you obese and, no matter how hard you try, you cannot exercise, you cannot keep your weight down, which hurts your joints already bloated with arthritic pain. Heart pills for high blood pressure are next, several different kinds are necessary, along with Ativan at night to turn the mind off. Cannot do without that either because you will not sleep without it. If you try to switch from any one of these to herbal remedies, you will not recognize yourself any longer; you become literally helpless, weird, and extremely tense. Better go back to your meds before its too late. This is my story to add to Gilmaras report on How Medicine for Sickness Works My brother will tell his own story; he suffers from the same condition - a rare disease which MDs do not know what to do except fill your body up with prostheses, metal meshes, pins and plates. Your limbs under X-ray look more like Robocop than what you were born with. One other thing though: is it right to condemn a prisoner of MEDS who puffs every now and then to take the edge off ?? My testimony and I support Medical MJ.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 01:30:23 +0000

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