the stuff we end up collecting or acquiring during our life is - TopicsExpress


the stuff we end up collecting or acquiring during our life is just that stuff when i was doing the move i had to look at stuff and say to myself does it serve any purpose to me. considering, i have no longer collected or have a collection of anything, i had found it to be very easy to look at something and in less than a second say toss the damn thing.. it is an extremely freeing experience.. i know experience is not the word i am looking for but it will have to do. i also had to learn that what i did treasure had been STOLEN from me by a person who not only is harmful to me but to the general public at large. I had to learn that even though i held these things dear to me, i had to let go of the thought or the wish of ever seeing them again and the person who stole them from me to actually do the right thing but i knew deep in my heart that the person is completely incapable of doing the right thing. in the end, everything is truly just stuff. we can not take it with us when we die but we have a hope that to whoever we give these things to freely and NOT stolen from us, will hold fond memories of us when they feel, look or use what we have given to them out of our love for them. that is really the most we can hope for when we pass things on or donate or sell. that the next person enjoys the stuff as much as we did when we had it in our possession. I know in the end i can live with myself because I did the RIGHT thing and gave the harmful person stuff that did belong to both of us but some memories i NO longer wish to have. I am happy to be free of a person whose only thought was to have me KILLED for monies he would not get. Sad when you trusted someone so deeply, only to find out how LITTLE your value was to them and how easily they could DISPOSE of you.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:38:43 +0000

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