the thing about corn flakes,.,.,i wonder how many times we - TopicsExpress


the thing about corn flakes,.,.,i wonder how many times we actually stop and think about the processin be4 we actually pick up the box from the shelf or be4 pourin the cereal on2 the bowl 4breakfast,.,.,i mean flakes made out of corn,.,.,.,.,imagine seein corn wit scare crows on the field.,.,.,,and processin that in2 a box of flakes 2be eaten 4breakfast,.,.,.,anyway.,.,..,.the good thing about buyin boxes or a box of cereal is that..,.,besides the well known richness in nutrients like fibre,minerals and vitamins in addition 2protein from the quantities of milk poured in the bowl,.,.,.,.,.personally 4me.,,.,.,.that means less visits 2the stores,.,.,,.,,i frequent the shops less often.,.,.,.,in comparison wit a loaf of bread which youve 2buy on a regular basis 2replace the quickly consumed slices of bread,.,.,.,.,,
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 11:23:13 +0000

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