the truth ought to be told. Political freedom without economic - TopicsExpress


the truth ought to be told. Political freedom without economic freedom is like having the right to acess pick n pay with empty wallet.what is the point of celebrating nothing?Anc was banned from south african politics,went to exile and they fought for their repudiation back to south african political arena. they then made a deal with the davil that the imperialists shall remain the occupants of economical space,steer our economy to the direction they deem fit,control our strategic resources at the price of them gaining their political freedom. the truth ought to be told. there is no logic in them draging the entire nation into the myth and inculcate them with wrong ideas behind the struggle of our ppl.they faced their own struggle to get back to SA politics and, in the process they draged the whole nation into it.that is being selfish.many ppl lost their lives at the expence of their selfishness,a number of innocent ppl are living in destitute today for fighting the wrong battle. lack of education which is still an acrocious matter to date, led to ppl believing that embarking on the struggle and fighting side by side with Anc will lead to greate synergy and realise a better life for all.the fact is that altruism is a strange word in anc vocabulary,the fact is that Anc has never been compassionate throughout its existance.Marikana is a relevant example one can think of. ppl are still living in squalor camps,unbeareable conditions in their shacks without proper services,ppl are still chased out of the land of their birth by those who stole our land from our ancestors and are protected under the leadership of the rulling party.the initial struggle was channeled at liberatin ppl economically until Anc stole and manouvred and directed the entire struggle into gaining their own political freedom. the truth ought to be told. Steven Biko fought for social cohesion,social conscience,u know being aware of ur social state and help others who are less fortunate than u, and ultimately,socialism.we never fought for capitalism,we never voted for a jungle where the strongest survive,but this is what we have culminated with today under Anc.the Rmaphosas,Hadebes,Zumas were poor at the down of democracy in 1994 but today they are counted amongst the filthiest rich.from shop stuard to a billioner and shareholders in our mines. do u think they will ever concent to the notion of nationalising our mines?the coming of Ramaphosa back to politics is just one of those strategies of ensuring that the idea of nationalisation is not propegated and eventually eraded.basically he is here to protect the wealth of the elites at the expence of the suffering. the truth ought to be told. poor ppl shall always remain poor under the leadership of Anc.the working class shall invariably be economically supressed under the current leadership.the next coming local elections shall adjudicate between anc and eff based on the most compassionate political ideology.if u think this current government is sacrosanct then u are content with the suffering of our ppl by voting the puppets of monopoly capitalists. be vigilant,circumspect the current situation,nkandla,gupta,marikane,arms deal the list is endless.if u are complacent with this situation then it is obvious that our nation is grave sick.i bring to u an alternative organisation that is working hard to bring change and put a stop to all this.Eff is the catalyst,the game changer,we are here to implement the mandate of the pll,we represent the working class,we walk the talk,speak to the poor,live with them and speak earnestly.VOTE EFF,VOTE FOR CHANGE.we are here to serve you not ourselves as u have experienced with the rulling party. VIVA EFF VIVA........AMANDLA.....PHAMBILI NGE SOCIALISM PHAMBILI.....
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:08:08 +0000

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