the unanswered questions about - TopicsExpress


the unanswered questions about 9/11 https://youtube/watch?v=4fUT7XgLiTY another good video that explains the irrefutable evidence of controlled demolitions https://youtube/watch?v=5BwZEgZgtT8#t=184 Cheney & Bush Asked Sen. Tom Daschle Not To Investigate 9/11 AT ALL People who also want a new congressional investigation of events of 9/11 Rep. Jim McDermott, D-WA Former Senator Mike Gravel Vice President Walter Mondale Senator Charles Schumer Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, JD US. Senator Max Cleland Gov. Walter Peterson-NH Former US Senator Mike Gravel - AK Gen. Wesley Clark Louis Freeh former Director of the FBI Rep. Curt Weldon Major General Albert Stubblebine Cynthia McKinney Rep. Kucinich Jesse Ventura Rand Paul Ron Paul B.C. Canada’s former premier Bill Vander Zalm Ted Gunderson former FBI agent in charge of the LA office Richard Falk, a United Nations investigator of human rights Paul Harrington Former State Representatives, New Hampshire Dieter Deiseroth, Judge, Federal Administrative Court, (one of Germanys five Supreme Courts patriotsquestion911/ The following are demanding the release of 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report via House Res. 428 Rep. Stephen Lynch D Rep. Thomas Massie R Rep. Walter Jones R-NC 2,218+ Engineers and Architects // 600+ Professors and PhDs // Scholars for 9/11 for Truth and Justice 250+ Pilots and Aviation Professionals patriotsquestion911/ 4,638 US Military officers for 9/11 Truth58 Political Leaders for a new investigation pl911truth/index.php/petition-and-members-list Green Party of the US patriotsquestion911/ Aug 2014: The High Rise Safety Initiative in New York City, which would force a new investigation of the obvious (but officially denied) controlled demolition of World Trade Center Building 7. Organizers of the initiative finished gathering the 100,000 signatures they need to override a mayoral veto, virtually guaranteeing that the initiative will be voted on by the citizens of New York. youtube/watch?v=rVCDpL4Ax7I&list=PL3705E482383CCA91&index=2 The best video see https://youtube/watch?v=5BwZEgZgtT8#t=184 Why We Need a New Congressional Investigation of 9/11 A summary of the irrefutable evidence that the World Trade Center buildings collapsed due to explosions, not fire - 82 pages see: I had to post this in 7 or 8 page sections Why free fall acceleration proves explosions not fires was the cause. youtube/watch?v=gJcLrfKFmBQ as of May 15, 2014 This first video is two hours long. The video noted below talks about “debunkers.” This term is used for the people who attack the evidence by the 9/11 truth movement that does not agree with the official story by the government as to what happened. youtube/watch?v=KMkyL_YJDUc& Here is another three parts of this video tape. youtube/watch?v=_OVZa_J68VI This video also discloses the President Roosevelt know the Japanese were going to attack on or about December 7. 1941, but this information was deliberately kept from the defenders at Pearl Harbor. If you want evidence and details that prove this to be true, you can read my chapter on this at: 9/11 compared to the flat earth belief https://youtube/watch?v=VTANZaYPCkw https://youtube/watch?v=hZSRgCv9cs4 Watch these old liars as they continue to try and sell us their bill of goods. You can almost hear the witch doctors of old telling the peasants, “Trust us the earth is flat and the sun revolves the earth.” Americans are friggen stupid if they believe these jokers. In the below URL/link/video, I notices at least 19 horizontal steel I-beams/girders that were all the same length as if they were cut by a blow torch and they were all about 2.5 feet and still connected to the vertical columns. Now what are the odds of that happening. We all already know that building six exploded before the north Twin Tower collapsed. We also have a New York City paramedic, eyewitness who stated he (or she - I dont recall) was running for his/her life past WTC 6 and saw flashes of light as from explosive cutting charges. https://youtube/watch?v=a4FkO5ry1uo& Architect Richard Gage answers questions on C-Span Aug 2014 https://youtube/watch?v=2zY9HfwzGPg A jet engine usually used on Boeing 747 airplanes was recovered on the ground on 9/11 after an alleged 767, flight 175 hit a World Trade Center Tower. We need more investigation of this matter. See link below. https://youtube/watch?v=YPO3TqQyZsU The bottom line the threat of terrorism is and has not been anything to worry about! What was a big deal was …. Lying to the sovereign, WE THE PEOPLE about WMD and Saddam Hussan giving aid and comfort to Al Qeada youtube/watch?v=OgfzqulvhlQ&app=desktop Lying to the sovereign, WE THE PEOPLE about the threat of terrorism. A dirty bomb is no more dangerous than a regular bomb, it only takes a bit more care to clean up the mess. https://facebook/groups/572856566085390/ my online book SOME UNKNOWN HISTORY OF THE U.S. - a work in progress Learn about the crimes of the CIA and US war crimes, Department of Justice- cover-up of drug trafficking, etc You should skip the CIA Table of Organization that I put at the beginning of each chapter to find the written history. Dick McManus Chief Warrant Officer-3/counterintelligence special agent, and combat paramedic, Vietnam, US Army retired, Everett, WA
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 23:44:58 +0000

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