the word of GOD Has been so good to me and God want to bless - TopicsExpress


the word of GOD Has been so good to me and God want to bless as many of you,,,,as well,,Always satan and his demons tremble when i talk about the word, ,, but this is all you are going to get and nothing else, THE WORD OF GOD,,, ,i am still introducing the book to many of you free of charge, the good news is , you dont need any lock smith to open a scripture for you,, and no down payment reading HIS WORD As well, GOD Has make it easy for all of us,,To read His word free of charge and receive His blessing also free of charge read Joshua 1;8 and John 15;7 and find out yourselves,, you dont have to be a graduate before reading HIS WORD,, you can be poor and read HIS WORD and can become rich less than a seconds,,, if you dont have a bible as a real christian and you are one of my friend , and even my friends friends,now is the time GOD is asking you those to get one, i am not recommending cell phones bible to you GOD For bid, He is not asking me to recommend such distraction and Junks as well to you, O Yes i am not,,, beside the book, And ,, i am recommending the Original book to you, if you like obey as Noahs day if you dont Dissobey and follow this end-time fashion fair and before the church will wake up from thier sleep satan will deceive as many as he can including many famous preachers,,,, those things can fail you sometimes example when you have low Batterys , and God want to speak to you, through His word what will do as a preacher,, you dont need any charge for bible do we? absolutely not,,and you dont have to worry about you are in the area of bad reception, so you cant open the book no my Dear,,, you can read bible 24 hours 7days a week, wherever you go, and GOD will never go to sleep on us as well, HE is available 24 Hours a day,,and the good news is you will feel the presence of GOD Reading from the book, bible does not have or contains any ponography websites , neither Gays and lesbians websites havent you notice this?, nothing can compares to the book,, ,, O Yes the book is called in Him we live,, I Am still encouraging many of you, to connect to something which is beyond priceless and bible is the book i am talking about connect to bible and see the diffrent,,, there is a book that points us toward the Author and Giver of all life, my GOD What an Inspiration word to us? JESUS Said I Am Come that they Might have life and have it more abundantly, this is the book i am witnessing to you day and night,, , get one incase you dont have one,, this is the book the devil hates, and he want all the Christians ignorants to forsake and embrace technologies and other things so he can get access and destroy as many as he can, those things is keeping many of you busy, that you are not aware of, and satan is using this area to deceive as many as he can,., , thank God we still have some men and womens like JOSHUA AND CALEBS Who has a diffrent Spirit , we fully follow the LORD, And we have a Diffrent Spirit as well, bible is God Himself dont you dare run away from HIM ,and loss a blessing,, Some of you, dont let the book frighten you,, , Dont let bible become like a munster to you, for GOD is not a kind of a munster you think,, ,Bible is God Himself And He is drawing our attention to His word, so we can receive HIS Blessing , my prayer this morning is may the LORD Grant as many of you His wisdom and knowledge why?because having the wisdom of GOD Will make you seek Him first, in everything you will do, and nothing else,,,,how do you like to have a commune with GOD your Own Creator everyday,? it will make a huge diffrence yet many of you cant get along with GOD,it seems the book has a chronic disease or a type of infectious disease like Ebola that when you touch it you will die instantly so you are running away from bible as a christian, as preacher, My God open thier blind eyes like what Elisha said, open thier blind eyes to see who you are better, i meant those of you that you are running away from GOD, and you are out there embrasing newpapers 7days a week so is cell phones 7 days a week as well, with uneccessaries test messaging,, may those of you receive the knowledge of GOD This morning not even before noon, neither before evening wherever you are,, receive it in JESUS Name,, is a complete shame as a christian to forsake the word of GOD, And embrace junks,,,, i am very proud of Bible,,,, anytime i read a portion of GODS WORD, there comes all kinds of provision, and beauty from glory to glory read your bibles in JOHN 15;7 And Joshua 1;9 Philippians 4;19 2Cor 3;18 and 2COR 1;20, Anytime you read the bible you are not hearing a voice from a man but a voice from GOD,, you are having a direct talk with GOD,, you dont like the truth some of you do you,? read JOHN 8;32, JESUS Said only truth can make us free,,
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 05:19:07 +0000

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