the world has been a strange and wonderful place… difficult and - TopicsExpress


the world has been a strange and wonderful place… difficult and tender at times, and full of grand and not so grand turns and turns about…. forgive me for being remiss of late… Ive moved (which of course you all know) and changed jobs…. things already posted in varying detail. but i have not been my normally effusive and present self of late, with the fair excuse of having not yet been able to secure internet in the new digs. i miss my internet, needless to say. i am lost without it. i have become something of an internet junkie, which god knows beats the alternative! Im taking this moment though to reveal to my reading followers and friends the objective at hand for these lengthy detailed and personal posts. there are a few of you whom i have already told my plan… but today seems like the day, for several reasons, to make it public. as i go through my recovery, and have launched thus far into my sobriety quest, i have been blogging my recovery efforts and my thoughts on the process here in my Facebook status. my work as a writer is well noted and much praised by many of my followers and friends alike. it is my intent to gather the text of all these postings and their resulting commentary into a singular volume and publish the lot. as an homage (by titular reference) to the twentieth century occultist, Aliester Crowley, i intend to assemble this as a manuscript under the working title Diary of an Ex- Dope Fiend. I am intending to continue these postings and welcome any and all commentary for the purpose of adding into this hopeful published work. It is my pledge to all of you who choose to post your thoughts, encouragements, and acknowledgements that i shall change each and every name of those who do post, so as to avoid any personal issues, conflicts, embarrassments, lawsuits, etc.. But i have not wanted to make it public knowledge that i was intent on doing this until i was about half way through the process. my set time frame is through the space of my legal red tape, which is just about half over. and so i am announcing this intent to the world at large. this may inspire some of you to never post again, which would make me sad, but this is your decision. this may inspire some of you who have been silent thus far to post and even regularly. which i welcome wholly. and it may inspire some among you regular posters to articulate more in your posts, which would be wonderful. for those who may be entertained by the idea or interested in the object, in private messages you may even submit to me your choices for the name by which i will refer to your posts… the process of editing these raw and very personal posts should not be difficult.. typos and structure alone will be what i edit. the rawness of my content i believe to be the appeal of this as a publishable work. in addition to the personal battles and the observations i make, a great part of the appeal (in my opinion) of this as publishable material will be the feedback and the depth and breadth of the feedback i get. there are many who post simple words of encouragement. these of course i welcome, and appreciate to no end… i hope now to perhaps inspire a little more depth and personal feedback from any and all who choose to do so…. and remember, your words i cherish, and everything about your identity i will protect and keep discreet and protected. i hope and pray this revelation of my plan will make sense to you all… and that it will not stop any one of you from reading or sharing with me as i work through the personal nature of a years recovery efforts and the thoughts, feelings, and details of getting clean. again, as always… thank you all for being a HUGE part of my recovery efforts. you are my support network. i am on the downhill trend, the home stretch, past the half way point of the space of time i intend to cover in this blogging. and through it i wish for you all, silent or not, to know that your likes your hugs, your comments, and even your silent and unmarked readings… all of these take me the distance i have gone…. my success i share with you all, and my success i owe to you all for being here through every step of the way. i cannot wait to be back online at home (today Im at my favorite coffee shop) so that i can flesh it all out and NOT on my teeny tiny little phone… but this shall come soon enough…. much love… and many rockets….. m
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:05:34 +0000

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