thecommonsenseshow/2013/09/08/the-ultimate-false-flag-event/ THIS - TopicsExpress


thecommonsenseshow/2013/09/08/the-ultimate-false-flag-event/ THIS IS JUST A PART OF THE ARTICLE: The Effects of a Power Grid Take Down On Banking A power grid take down would absolutely cripple the banking system since nearly all banking transactions are electronic. To minimize exposure to the banks, the Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, has moved to severely limit the amount of loans that are in the system. An power grid shut down could potentially prevent the banks from ever getting their investments back from lenders because an economic crash could prevent the banks from recovering even a small percentage of their losses because much of the collateralization of outstanding loans would be destroyed under such a set of circumstances. Subsequently, before banks will be targeted for a take down, lending must be brought to a crawl and that is exactly what has been happening for the past two years and the trend curve towards banks not lending money is exponentially growing. MERS Robo signers MERS Robo signers I also believe the anticipation for a banking shutdown explains some of the abhorrent behavior by the five megabanks as they move to steal as many houses and properties as possible by creating a robo signing MERS system which produces so many mortgage notes for one property that the banks stand a good chance, in court, of confusing a judge and thus stealing millions of properties. These heinous practices have been fully exposed by people such as Dave Kreiger of Clouded Titles. Many State Attorney Generals’ have brought law suits against the banks for these mortgage practices, but nobody has gone to jail because to the establishment, this is acceptable behavior. The coming banking collapse also explains why the Federal Reserve is printing themselves $40 billion dollars in Mortgage Backed Securities, every month, so that they can buy of up distressed properties from money printed out of thin air. When the collapse comes, he who holds the most hard assets, wins! A fiat currency is not a hard asset, a house and a shopping mall are. To soften the blow of the banking collapse that is coming, America is in the final days of the last great American garage sale as the Federal Reserve and her key banks are literally stealing as much property as they can. The Federal Reserve has positioned themselves to literally own nearly every piece of property following a banking collapse and most American homeowners will be turned into serfs under the control of the banks after the coming economic collapse. What will emerge on the other side of a collapse will be a neo-feudal fascist police state surveillance grid where individual liberty and private ownership of anything will be gone forever!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 16:15:52 +0000

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