6PR and PM help Sattler bow out in true - TopicsExpress

   6PR and PM help Sattler bow out in true shock-jock style June 14, 2013 It’s being portrayed as a terrible mistake, but the Quick Brown Fox is a little more cynical than that. And in this case, appreciative of the sneaky scheme that has been executed in true radio shock-jock style. Fairfax radio’s Western Australian Howard Sattler has been suspended until further notice for a series of rather lame questions he put to the Prime Minister on air in his drive program yesterday – most notably an assertion that Ms Gillard’s partner was gay because he is a hairdresser. There’s a couple of things that need to be said at this point: 1. The PM was very kind to agree to the scheme, but did so for political gain, and 2. For followers of Perth talkback, it was fairly evident that Sattler’s intent was aimed at going out with a bang – in true old fashioned shock-jock style. The sad truth is that Mr Sattler has been quite unwell for some time and his on-air presentation is simply no longer up to scratch. His producers field calls every day from listeners who believe the radio host has been drinking and station management have been trying to find a way to allow the persistent and highly popular talking head to leave without losing face – or support from his strong local listenership. Yesterday was the culmination of a truly inspiring win-win-win scheme cooked up between the PR savvy Sattler, his employers and the Office of the Prime Minister – and it went like this: 1. Mr Sattler becomes ill and his on air performance significantly degrades 2. Local management want to replace him but can’t do it without looking mean 3. Mr Sattler goes on TV to talk about his desire to stay on air under the cover of raising awareness of the illness he has been struck with 4. The PM is invited to be Mr Sattler’s last ever interview, and her office agrees with a head’s up of the scheme that is being baked. 5. Mr Sattler asks the lame questions and gets “suspended” – facilitating a nation-wide media frenzy that drops the brand names “Fairfax” and “6PR” thousands of times in a day. The Fox predicts that the “investigation” now underway within Fairfax will be dragged out for at least a week and it will end with Sattler announcing an amicable end to his on-air career. The evidence? - Sattler needed to go but there was no way of doing it without either him losing face or 6PR looking like they were abusing a frail stalwart. - The interview was pre-promoted as not having talkback opportunity because the PM was “too busy”. - The PM has refused a number of times to speak with Sattler. He is no longer a “hard news” journalist and often relies on politician-bashing to win favour with his audience. And needless to say, the PM doesn’t have much to gain in Western Australia by being verballed by a Western Australian shock-jock with a strongly right-wing audience. - The PM was late to the interview and not particularly apologetic – demonstrating the lack of care for the host or his audience. - The PM was VERY jolly and most happy when Sattler said he would be asking “very personal questions, just stop me if I go too far” - The PM did seem surprised by the questions about Mr Mathison, but really not worried about the tone of the interview. And today we have: - a Prime Minister happy to be distracted from the real (devastating) politics and develop the impression that she is a bigger person than the silly questions by simply shrugging them off. - an unwell stalwart of talkback radio with the perfect departure plan in progress - a very happy 6PR and Fairfax radio who have had more free advertising for their ability to access the highest representatives in the land (and ask them silly questions) and generate a talkback frenzy that will boost their ratings at least in the short term. Talk about win-win-win in desperate times. PS. The Fox will miss the shenanigans of Mr Sattler and genuinely wishes him well in his future health challenges.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 02:13:20 +0000

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