From a subscriber overnight: Dear - TopicsExpress

   From a subscriber overnight: Dear Darren, The reason I’m writing to you is because I once again need a safe platform to talk to my Party colleagues without putting my neck back on the block. This time I am writing an open letter to Ben Morton (the Liberal Party State Director). Mr Morton, you are as far as I can tell a very intelligent person. So it puzzles me how during a federal election campaign you have not counselled the Premier as to the part he will play on behalf of the party. I apologise if this statement is incorrect and intact you have. But let me inform you if you have then his action indicate that he is not listening. As you are aware there is no such thing as a certain thing in politics. So when we the lowly party members way down the tree are working hard to reinforce the message that we can’t afford Gillard any longer, I am getting sick and tired of the conversation turning to Premier Barnett and his broken promises. Can you please inform the Premier that State and Federal liberal party are the same group, and the poor decisions he makes reflect badly on our candidates. If that doesn’t work Mr State Director then you will need to pull his head in for him. Sincerely, Concerned Liberal
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 02:12:16 +0000

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