The big scam - TopicsExpress

   The big scam from TAN! Posted by: Hussain Obaro in Editorial Few months ago, a non-governmental organization under the aegis of Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria (TAN) circulated a message all over the internet urging youths to register their bio-data for job opportunities through TAN. Millions of Nigerians, employed and unemployed, rushed into cybercafés to purchase network-browsing time while those who have smart phones and other ICT gadgets with subscriptions made do with it and registered duly and happily. Nigerians were asked to fill in their phone numbers, permanent home address, and local government areas among other sensitive information. Few weeks later, TAN began an endorsement rally in support of President Jonathan’s re-election bid throughout the various geo-political zones in Nigeria. To the dismay of Nigerians, the bio-data which they naively gave to TAN with the expectation that they would be provided jobs were carefully collated and presented at the various TAN rallies to the representatives of President Jonathan, Secretary to the Federal government, Chief Anyim Pius Anyim, as the Nigerians who are happy with the President’s transformation agenda in the creation of jobs, good healthcare delivery system, improved national security etc and have happily and willingly endorsed President Jonathan for another term of office come 2015! The use of bio-data of young Nigerians to score cheap, shameless and ridiculous political points without their consent is not only criminal and offensive, it is unfortunate and an insult on the sensibility of these young Nigerians, it is an embarrassment to this country and its image as it is a dent not only the credibility of the conveners of TAN but also on the presidency. The youths of this country should not be cowed or tricked into endorsing President Jonathan for another term in office. TAN should have come out open and allow these young Nigerians to freely express their opinions on whether they wish to do so or not. Nigerian youths have been taken for a ride and for fools. TAN should as a matter of urgency render and unreserved apology in all the national dailies, national radio stations and television stations to Nigerians on their heinous crime and atrocity against the people. Failure to do this would be met with legal consequences, as various youths fora would have no other choice than to proceed to a law court for a legal battle. The sensibility of any people have never been this insulted in the history of this country.. if you can’t help us out of unemployment, poverty and poor standard of living imposed on us by corruption and lack of ideas of our leaders, at least, don’t insult us or take us for fools. Enough is enough. Hussain Obaro, Ilorin, Kwara State
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:01:26 +0000

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