theology does matter in how beliefs can affect attitudes, and this - TopicsExpress


theology does matter in how beliefs can affect attitudes, and this has been an enormous problem among Calvinists since John Calvin’s Geneva, and Calvinist domination of the slave market (in England, France, Africa under Freemason Anderson from the Dutch East Indie Co., and America since the 1600s.)* Calvinism, since its inception has been a brutal and violent oppressive religion that disappeared for the most part in the early 20th century and has only recently been revived. But, like many who are deceived into believing that there is a difference between ‘moderate’ Muslims and the terrorists, so,too, are many erroneously led to believe that Calvinism is not all bad, it’s the so-called “hypers” that cause the problems (no such thing, really). Nevertheless anyone with common sense knows that it’s not the ‘moderates’ that make a difference, or define the religion. Both religions operate under a system of theology that promotes racial superiority (George Whitefield and Jonathon Edwards were both notorious slave owners) and the Roman Catholic justification of punishing heresy by death under a church/state government (“Holy” Roman Empire for the Catholic church, Sharia Law for Islam, Genevan Law under Calvin). The ONLY reason Calvinists today do not practice “killing heretics” is because it’s against the law everywhere. But, listen to any Calvinist defense of the actions of John Calvin (against Servetus in particular) and you will quickly realize that if it were law today, the Calvinists would not object to it being practiced again. In fact, it WILL be practiced again soon, and perhaps this recent rise in militant Calvinism is just practice. Thus, is it any wonder with this kind of history that we see the shenanigans we do from them on the internet? Ah what tangled websites we weave.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:42:17 +0000

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