there many occult groups....and gender benders....that - TopicsExpress


there many occult groups....and gender benders....that are after OUR childrens innocents....because of their perverted thought long as we ALLOW....those groups and persons to PASS LAWS....that justify....their evil intents....your family members....from infancy to 20 years of age....will be at risk.... timid and lazy the followers of Christ who possess the only words of everlasting life are! The Smart family knew deep down that chances were very good their daughter was taken by a polygamist and pedophile, someone who espoused their cult’s beliefs. Nine months later it was confirmed they were right. Elizabeth was taken by Brian David Mitchell, a man who the Mormon-controlled media and infrastructure in Salt Lake City wants you to believe is “crazy.” Mitchell is a Mormon who was ex-communicated from the main church because of his polygamist and pedophile beliefs. However, Mitchell did what many polygamist and pedophiles routinely do, and that is kidnap a young girl and make her one of his wives The truth is simply that Elizabeth, who was taken against her will, quickly resigned to her new life as one of Mitchell’s wives. After all, Mitchell claimed to be a “prophet of god.” Elizabeth, having grown up in a Mormon home, understood from her cults teachings the concept of man becoming god and to revere the “prophet of god.” She willingly became Mitchell’s “wife,” which is why when she was discovered, she denied being who she really was and was more concerned about Mitchell and Barzee than going back to her parents. Many Mormons will lie to you and say that they believe in the Jesus of the Bible, but they are not telling you the truth. In Mormon theology, their jesus is NOT a deity! If Christ is not God, then his death on the cross was useless, those who believe in Him are still lost in their sin, and we are the most sad of all people. THE JESUS OF THE BIBLE IS GOD! That is why when you base your beliefs on anything other than the inspired, inerrant Word of God, you are lost! Yes the Mormons use the Bible, but it is NOT their final authority as it is for the Christian. Their authority lies in the writings of that lunatic Joseph Smith (the book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price) and their cult’s Doctrine and Covenants statement. know some people are outraged that I would be “so mean” to call Mormonism a cult. I have no doubt that most in the Mormon cult are fine people, good people, and do great works. But being a good person, doing good works does NOT get you into Heaven. Only faith in Jesus Christ, the Jesus of the Bible, will get you into Heaven. I know for a fact most Morons haven’t got a clue what their cult really believes. I am ashamed to say that is the same for too many Christians. The Mormon cult spends tens of millions each year in public relations to portray themselves as “just another Christian church.” DO NOT LET THEIR ADS FOOL YOU. They are no more a Christian church than your local mosque is! While they do a masterful job of using the SECULAR MEDIA to promote their hideous cult to the world, they are also tireless in their efforts to “witness” and share their false beliefs with others. It is too bad Christians, true followers of Christ aren’t as zealous. I am always amazed at how bold and tireless those are who promote the lies of satan designed to lead men to hell are, and how timid and lazy the followers of Christ who possess the only words of everlasting life are!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 20:00:03 +0000

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