there is one thing that bothers me i cant get out of my - TopicsExpress


there is one thing that bothers me i cant get out of my mind....all of my life ive read all i could find about the way hitler rose to power.....i read about all the horror that he brought to his own people and the whole world...and many times ive wondered how it could have happened...after all Germany was a Christian nation of educated people wasnt it? They were "good" germans and followed their matter what their leaders were doing....later on after the war....many germans when ask why they did nothing...while a Gov went mad with evil and corruption...they said they didnt vote for hitler....and were hoping on the next election to remove him....remind you of anything? History is repeating Patriots....all of us must Unite and stand against it...everyday now the enemy grows in number and power in our Lands....AMERICA....the is that possible?? Until we come to realize in numbers strong....that we no longer have a Gov of the people for the people....but that 100% of the US Gov have denied their Oath of Office...until we realize 100% of the US Gov has committed high Treason....and they bow to a muslim fraud most of even you still call our President....until this happens...until we realize how deep the rabbit hole goes....our enemies will stay on their path to Victory...and we will stay on the path of defeat....time is not on our side true....all of us must do much more than we have...if you were called today...this very min to actually take up arms and join other patriots who were going to fight for our nation....who were going to Restore our Constitution as our rightful Law...would you answer that call? before you answer it...please think long and hard about what that would truly telling you all....that is coming....and you will have to decide...freedom or slavery and horrors unknown....if your not prepared in body and soul....and have your family under some kind of plan to wont be ready....we all must understand this and help us G-d
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 16:21:30 +0000

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