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   RSA Screens with Channel 4 Unreported World: Syrias Invisible Refugees The screening will be followed by a panel discussion including Giles Duley and Aleema Shivji, director of Handicap International UK. John Mulholland, editor of the Observer will chair the discussion. Unreported World is Channel 4’s critically acclaimed series on the lives of people in some of the fastest-changing areas of the world. Unreported World: Syria’s Invisible Refugees (working title) will be broadcast on Channel 4 on 10 October. Speaker: Giles Duley, humanitarian photographer Speaker: Aleema Shivji, director, Handicap International UK Chair: John Mulhulland, editor, The Observer One and a half million people have fled the fighting in Syria in search of peace in Lebanon where refugees now make up a quarter of the population. Due to complex historical and political issues, the UNHCR has not been allowed to build a camp in the area. With this lack of formal support, it is the most vulnerable who are at risk. Giles Duley, a reporter for Channel 4’s Unreported World, travels to meet disabled Syrian refugees now living in temporary camps in Lebanon. Giles encounters families who are struggling to feed, educate and administer medical care to their disabled children. The UNHCR reports that it is receiving just 30% of the funding required to cope with the crisis. It is forced to prioritise primary care, leaving increasing numbers of disabled refugees with inadequate treatment or shelter. The tensions created in Lebanese society as the country struggles with increased demands on its infrastructure threaten the stability of the country. This raises important questions of policy as the world contemplates how to combat ISIS and radicalisation across the Middle East.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:35:47 +0000

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