these, Guruji taught his disciple the following lessons also. 1. - TopicsExpress


these, Guruji taught his disciple the following lessons also. 1. Simple diet 2. Simple life and dress 3. Do your daily works at your own 4. Non acceptance of wealth 5. Non proximity with worldly acts 1. Simple diet : There is an idiom in Hindi that Jaisa Khavenge Anna Waisa Banega Mann - Jaisa Piyenge Pani Waisi Banegi Vani. It means that the dietary habits effects the human conducts. Similarly if any body do not drink pure water than his speech will also not be good. Saint Hirdaram Ji always ate pure and simple food. He followed the principles of celibacy in his life. Despite of being healthy in most of his life, he kept away himself with salt, sugar, spices and deep fried vegetables. Swamijis diet was - Raw, boiled and green vegetables like gourd, quilt memordica salaads and fruits were inducted in the diet of Saint Hirdaram Sahibji. Saintji always suggested others to follow these dietary habits. He preached that the food affects the thinking of people. So every body should eat pure and pious food. Royal and heavy food change our mind set and thinking in negative way. 2. Simple life and simple clothing (clad) simple life and high thinking was a motto of Saint Hirdaramji. His life was always simple and easy. Swamiji slept on hand object through out his life. He wore inferior cotton in light saffron colour. Swamji always hold an opinion that thinking of a man always remain same as he eats food. Maharishi Vashishta also explained that there is no need of becoming a seer instead of one should be easy going. Saint Hirdaramji also adopted same style, inspired others for simple and easy life style. Saint Hirdaramji stressed to wear white and light coloured clothes. Because he assumed that the white and light coloured garments inspire us to live in simplicity. In such a way a person keeps high thinking. Swamiji always used to say that no body can be a seer to wear saffron coloured clothes. To becoming a seer is an state of mind and heart. As an example of Deewan Rai Bahadur Harumal Moolchandani, Swamiji told that Deewan Saheb always wore the garments like the English. He always wore a coat and a hat on his head, but his heart always remember almighty God every time. Number of times Swamiji met him. At the last moments of Deewan Sahebs life. A message was received by Swamiji that Deewan Saheb is not going well and he all the time remember Swamji. Saint Hirdaramji was expected to meet him soon. Then Swamji reached to ailing Deewan Harumal in his last moments Deewan Saheb was not even listening and speaking. But the family members were informing him that his daughter came to see him or knee had also come. Family members were introgating whether he is listening them or not? But Deewan saheb was silently sleeping and kept his eyes shut. Family members under stood that Deewan Saheb is not capable to carrying them or to speak. But later Swamiji told them that inner soul of god is remembering almighty where he has to mingled with. You people are unnecessary crying. So his soul is disturbing. Deewan Saheb is responding fully what I am saying. After listening this Deewan Saheb also replied in affirmative and he felt better. Relatives of Deewan Saheb standing there were surprised to see this. Swamiji suggested them to leave Deewan Saheb alone in the room and let him to pray the God. For a short while Swamiji also went out of room for prayers. After sometime when they returned back in Deewan Sahebs room but by that time his soul was mingled with the supreme power. Swamiji then told that instead of wearing English style garments, in real sense he was a seer. So one should not be in suspicion, because this is an state of mind. Once, GAD Minister of M.P. Shri Rajendra Prasad Shukla came to Kutia for Darshanas of Paramhansa Saint Hirdaramji. On the main gate of Kutia, a volunteer was present. Minister asked that volunteer that where can he meet Saint Hirdaramji. Coincidently Saint Hirdaramji was also there in a very simple clad, which was almost ragged and shabby condition. Volunteer indicated and disclosed the identity of Swamiji. Minister Shri Shukla surprised to learn that he is Swamiji on whose name the nomenclature of Bairagarh is being changed. Volunteer repeated again that yes he is Saint Hirdaramji. Minister was very impressed that such a great seers own livelihood is so simple. Minister said that prior to Saint Hirdaramji he had see Saint Vinobha Bhave, who was also very simple. Minister said that Saint like you and Vinoba Bhave are very few on the earth. Shri Rajendra Prasad shukla then went to naturopathy center for treatment and he continued to visit there upto his presence in Bhopal. 3. Self efforts for personal works: Swamiji completed one hundred years of his age in September 2006. Till this age he was accustomed to do his day to day personal works at his own. Though there was not lack of volunteers in Kutia but not only he did his works but inspired others also to follow this line in their life. He preached that despite of being rich, man should do his work at his own. This type of life style gives good health and strength in men. Swamiji often preached girls and women to perform all family works at their own. This will help them to upkeep their good health and bring wealth in the family. Once an old lady from Mumbai came to Swamiji for Darshans and blessings. She told Swamiji that she was ailing with number of diseases. She prayed Swamiji for her good health. Swamji replied in affirmative and said that a remedy which I can suggest you, it should be considered. The old woman gave her consent. Then Swamji told her that all the met servants who are working at your home should be discontinued from right now and do your all works at your own. Then the old women replied to Swamiji that it is not possible for her because if she does this, first of all daughter-in-laws will ought her from home. Later swamiji told her that people like you invite diseases by their own causes. 4. Not to collect worldly wealth and material Swamiji had full faith in God. He usually said that the service based works are owned by God itself. God must have to come to finish those works. We dont know that How and in which dress and form he (God) will come. Swamiji had a full faith. We disciples had also experienced these issues in the company of Swamiji. He usually said that this worldly banks can be closed any time but the Gods bank will never be off. How much and whenever you want to receive. You will get the treasure. This can be achieved with selfless vision and sacred intention. He preached that if any body donate his hard earned wealth to a seer then it is a duty of that seer also to invest that hard money in the works of public welfare. So as with the blessings of benefitted victims the living conditions of donor should be also improved. Swamiji always retireates that the seers who collect money from their disciples and invest in banks and misutilize the money in their luxuries some of the seers disburse the donation amount on earning interest. Seers, these acts are not fair and thus they commit sin.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 12:01:25 +0000

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