these minutes were approved at our Jan. 13, 2014 meeting... - TopicsExpress


these minutes were approved at our Jan. 13, 2014 meeting... Regular Meeting December 10, 2013 6:00 P.M. OPENING PRAYER offered by: Supervisor McCormick PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by: Supervisor McCormick Call Meeting to order: Supervisor McCormick ROLL CALL: Arnold ( x ) Feger ( a ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( x ) Hiller ( x ) Risinger ( x ) McCormick ( x ) Christianson ( x ) Guests: Bill Anderson, Joe Hranka, Jim Yocum, Les Knollenberg, Eric Jones PUBLIC PARTICIPATION & COMMENTS Eric Jones reviewed with the board the details of the Tax Levy Ordinances for both the Township and Road District. He is optimistic that within the next four years, with all the changes, the township will be in a strong position once again. At this time the replacement tax is not addressed. Supervisor McCormick stated that there is less than a $2000 difference in the Town Fund and feels that will be on track within the next two years. Motion to Approve Minutes of: Regular Mtg./Public Hearing October 14, 2013 Motion by: Arnold Second by: Shallenberger Discussion: None Voice Votes: All in favor: Motion Carried. CORRESPONDENCE: 1.) Happy Thanksgiving from Kuhl & Co. 2.) Invite to Kuhl & Co. open house December 12, 2013 3.) Trustee Hranka shared a TOIRRMA publication (Township Boards – An Essential Risk Management Tool ) with the board. APPROVE TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion by: Hranka Second by: Shallenberger Discussion: Supervisor McCormick referred the board to pg. 6 in the packet under Revenues/Expenditures noting we will need to amend the budget at the next Regular Mtg. January 13, 2014 to resolve negative fund balances. Roll Call: Arnold ( x ) Feger: ( a ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( x ) McCormick ( x ) Motion Carried: EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUEST: OLD BUSINESS: 1.) Discussion of Pioneer Committee’s request. Supervisor McCormick asked Mr. Anderson (Attorney for the Pioneer Committee) if there is a need to communicate with Mr. Redlingshafer (Township Attorney)? Mr. Anderson replied that would not be necessary unless there are changes to the current contract draft. Les Knollenberg would then need to sign the contract with the Carnival. Road Commissioner Risinger states that he supports the request for 2014 for the last weekend in May. Mr. McCormick states as long as the Attorneys work out an agreement that he has no problems. Trustee Arnold has no issue. Trustee Shallenberger states that he would prefer a one year contract vs a three year. Mr. Anderson says that the committee may need to ask the Carnival to wait until the January Regular Mtg. to finalize. Mr. McCormick comments that it looks like all systems are go. NEW BUSINESS: 1.) Motion to pass Town Levy Motion by: Shallenberger Second by: Hranka Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold ( x ) Feger ( a ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( x ) McCormick ( x ) Motion Carried: 2.) Motion to pass Road Levy Motion by: Arnold Second by: Hranka Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold ( x ) Feger ( a ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( x ) McCormick ( x ) Motion Carried: 3.) Motion to pass audit recommendation regarding Segregation of Duties. Motion by: Arnold Second by: Shallenberger Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold ( x ) Feger ( a ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( x ) McCormick ( x ) Motion Carried: 4.) Motion to pass audit recommendation regarding Budgetary Controls. Motion by: Hranka Second by: Arnold Discussion: Supervisor McCormick says this can be done by the same or different person. Trustee Shallenberger asks Trustee Hranka to look at the Bank Statements. Roll Call: Arnold ( x ) Feger ( a ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( x ) McCormick ( x ) Motion Carried: 5.)Consideration of Goals. Supervisor McCormick states that in light of the goals discussed at last month’s meeting that he might be overstepping a bit. This is an opportunity to pursue and investigate community services ideas for those in the township who do not have much money by adding a line item under charitable contribution for a monthly Senior Citizen Luncheon for instance. Trustee Hranka mentioned the Cemetery saying that we might want to think about that fund to add money to. Mr. Risinger states that they do mow but that they do not maintain the cemetery. Mr. Hiller said that there are 7 or 8 cemeteries in the township but these are generally Church maintained. Trustee Shallenberger would like something in the goals list regarding the Barb Hart Scholarship. Other discussion included the ongoing Terminal Road issue and the hope to have this resolved to the satisfaction of all parties within the next year. Trustee Shallenberger would like to see if we can get a letter of understanding that this road will not be annexed and would like to see that as part of the goals. Supervisor McCormick states that we will bring this up again in January so it can be finalized before the end of the fiscal year. 5.) Motion to call for Special Town Meeting for the purpose of transfer of funds with the meeting to be held on Monday, January 6, 2014 at 6:00PM at the township business office. Motion by: Shallenberger Second by: Arnold Discussion: Supervisor McCormick shared the email from Atty. Redlingshafer regarding the need to circulate petitions calling for *Special Town Meeting to Allow for Inter-Fund Transfers From Town Funds to Other Town and Road District Funds Under 60 ILCS 1/245-5 et seq.* requiring at least 25 signatures. He handed out petitions to each member of the board to circulate and obtain needed signatures, and to return these by next Tuesday. Roll Call: Arnold ( x ) Feger ( a ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( x ) McCormick ( x ) Motion Carried: Road Commissioner’s Report: Dave Risinger Assessor’s Report: Ernie Hiller Mr. Hiller reports they have been very busy due to the recent storm damage. There were 66 homes in the township either damaged or destroyed and those will be taken off the assessment roles until the end of the year when they will be reviewed again. If they intend to repair then we leave old assessment in place. General Assistant Report: November/December 2013 by: Stephanie Stecken, Case Worker. November/December. CLIENT G.A. /E.A. EXPENDITURES: $350.00 November/December. E.A. REPORT: There were 8 inquires this month. 4 were sent needed documents, 1 case was referred to Public Aid, 2 were determined not eligible, and 1 client was determined eligible due to the recent tornado damage. November.December. E.A. REIMBURSEMENTS: PAYING OF BILLS: Motion to Pay Town Bills: Motion by: Arnold Second by: Hranka Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold ( x ) Feger ( a ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( a ) McCormick ( x ) Motion Carried: Motion to pay GA bills: Motion by: Shallenberger Second by: Arnold Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold ( x ) Feger ( a ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( x ) McCormick ( x ) Motion Carried: Motion to Pay Road & Bridge bills: Motion by: Hranka Second by: Arnold Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold ( x ) Feger ( a ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( x ) McCormick ( x ) Motion Carried: Motion to Pay Special or Permanent Road Bills: Motion by: Arnold Second by: Shallenberger Discussion: None Roll Call: Arnold ( x ) Feger ( a ) Shallenberger ( x ) Hranka ( x ) McCormick ( x ) Motion Carried: Supervisor McCormick extended his thanks to Trustee Arnold and Shallenberger for all their help with the Christmas Luncheon. MOTION TO ADJOURN by: Shallenberger Second by: Arnold All in favor: Voice Votes: Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned at: 7:10PM Respectfully Submitted: Pam Christianson Town Clerk
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 16:17:08 +0000

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