think Ive missed a few days of things that wind me up so heres a - TopicsExpress


think Ive missed a few days of things that wind me up so heres a list of as many things I can think of that wind me up.. 1. People who squeeze the toothpaste from the middle of the tube 2. When the duvet gets all scrunched up inside the duvet cover 3. bumps in your ponytail 4. Witheld numbers 5. wasps 6. being at M&Ds and realising everyone in Scotland seems to smoke. including pregnant women, people pushing young children in buggies, and people standing in cues full of kids 7. people overtaking me on the carriageway cos my wee car doesnt pick up speed fast enough :( 8. people who have clearly never heard of deodorant 9. waiting for the green man like an eejit while everyone else jay walks. yes, even when theres no traffic, I still cant do it 10. people who complain about how crap theyre lives are, but never take your advice, and do nothing to change things 11. people who slow down in front of you BEFORE they indicate 12. people who say yolo its just a chav version of carpe diem 13. when you think you have a piece of chocolate left but you dont, and you just werent mentally prepared 14. When you put the radio on for short car journeys and all you get is adverts 15. being interrupted while typing and forgetting what you were gonna type! Thats it for now :)
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 17:08:15 +0000

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