this are Steves thoughts on the Interview Russell Brand vs. - TopicsExpress


this are Steves thoughts on the Interview Russell Brand vs. Paxmann. Institute of Social Choreography / Institut für Soziale Choreographie WHAT GIVES US THE RIGHT TO SPEAK ?: Russel Brand, Epistemological Understanding and the Organization of Experience RUSSEL BRAND`S recent interview with the BBC reporter JEREMY PAXMAN is a riveting example of the EPISTEMOLOGICAL (How do we know WHAT WE KNOW ?... How do we know THAT WE KNOW SOMETHING? ) BATTLES currently being waged in this global historical moment. An example cited by Brand being the OCCUPY MOVEMENT. The EPISTEMOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE may sound a little pretentious at first.... but bear with me... and then TAKE A SECOND LOOK AT THE INTERVIEW. The confrontation between RUSSEL BRAND and JEREMY PAXMAN is founded on (is embodied in) a fundamental DIFFERENCE-IN-PERCEPTION of social reality. In the interview, we are witness to two disparate experiences of life in our present-day society. BRAND and PAXMAN are FRAMING THEIR PERCEPTIONS and thereby... ACTING FROM... totally different epistemological perspectives. PAXMAN... begins the exchange by establishing an astonishingly rigid communicational frame. IF YOU DO NOT VOTE IN THIS SOCIETY... YOU HAVE IN FACT... DISQUALIFIED YOURSELF... OFFERED UP YOUR RIGHT... TO VOICE ANYTHING IN THE PUBLIC ARENA ... RUSSELL BRAND`S response to this EPISTEMOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK, based on his understanding of being-in-the-world, is that IT IS EXACTLY THE FACT OF BEING, (living, breathing, sensing, feeling) that gives him the right to speak. He not only SAYS THIS... but PERFORMS THIS... through his BODY LANGUAGE, through the RANGE OF EMOTIONS he displays in conversation and THROUGH HIS HUMOR which is in a way, a combination of all three. Footnote: COGNITIVE FRAMING FRAMING in the social sciences refers to a set of concepts and theoretical perspectives on how individuals, groups, and societies ORGANIZE, PERCEIVE, and COMMUNICATE ABOUT REALITY. When one seeks to explain an event, the understanding often depends on the frame referred to. Individuals constantly project into the world around them the interpretive frames that allow them to make sense of it; WE ONLY SHIFT FRAMES (OR REALIZE THAT WE HAVE HABITUALLY APPLIED A FRAME) WHEN INCONGRUITY CALLS FOR A FRAME-SHIFT. In other words, WE ONLY BECOME AWARE OF THE FRAMES THAT WE ALWAYS ALREADY USE WHEN SOMETHING FORCES US TO REPLACE ONE FRAME WITH ANOTHER. Most sociologists attribute the concept of framing to the work of ERVING GOFFMAN and point especially to his 1974 book, THE ORGANIZATION OF EXPERIENCE
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 19:36:57 +0000

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