this is NOT a movie for those who are supposedly awake and aware, - TopicsExpress


this is NOT a movie for those who are supposedly awake and aware, this is predictive programming by the slave master to further push humans towards and into this plan. this is seed planting, fear mongering and desensitization of the human mind and soul. this is how humans are literally subconsciously led by the nose into a state of rebellion of the illusion of authority- then utilizing that same authority to further enslave the humans. ignore the slave master, he then has no power. ignore his laws and rules, and they have no power. the problem is that humans are trained in manmade laws - illusionary laws - and not trained, or at this stage of the game - aware of natural laws - therefore humans are easily controlled by other groups of easily controlled humans. division. sub-division micro-division humans divided - separated from each other, nature, creation and most important God.. God, not religion or the gods of religion, but the core consciousness of creation. (God) not the silly god of infantile, human training and conditioning via the slave masters tool of religion but God God the force and power of true, pure and absolute love. this film perpetuates fear. fear is the force and power of the slave master. everything is energy. perpetuate the energy of fear then what do you have? stop feeding the force and power of -the energy of fear- then all that remains is love....
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:31:03 +0000

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