this is a gross misinterpretation of a curse and broken community - TopicsExpress


this is a gross misinterpretation of a curse and broken community not seeing it own sins and nakedness judging in error refusing to look in the mirror at our selves. this vortex that engulf our community has me dizzy, but then in this storm in Israel there is a moment of clarity we reflect consider and realize our sins so I confess misinterpretation of the law the mother of children lack righteous conceal in wisdom that she was...abandon Abandon ABANDON, v.t. [Fr. abandonner; Sp. and Port. abandonar; It. abbandonare; said to be from ban, and donner, to give over to the ban or proscription; or from a or ab and bandum, a flag or ensign.] 1. To forsake entirely; as to abandon a hopeless enterprize. Wo to that generation by which the testimony of God shall be abandoned. 2. To renounce and forsake; to leave with a view never to return; to desert as lost or desperate; as to abandon a country; to abandon a cause or party. 3. To give up or resign without control, as when a person yields himself, without restraint, to a propensity; as to abandon ones self to intemperance. Abandoned over and abandoned of are obsolete. 4. To resign; to yield, relinquish, or give over entirely. Verus abandoned the cares of empire to his wiser colleague. 5. In commerce, to relinquish to insurers all claim to a ship or goods insured, as a preliminary towards recovering for a total loss. ABANDON, n. One who totally forsakes or deserts. 2. A relinquishment. [not used.] even more so we ignore how that when we relinquish her children as well children suffer her sins this is brokenRelinquish RELINQUISH, v.t. [L. relinquo, re and linquo, to leave, to fail or faint; from the same root as liqueo, liquo, to melt or dissolve, deliquium, a fainting. Hence the sense is to withdraw or give way; to relinquish is to recede from.] 1. To withdraw from; to leave; to quit. It may be to forsake or abandon, but it does not necessarily express the sense of the latter. A man may relinquish an enterprise for a time, or with a design never to resume it. In general, to relinquish is to leave without the intention of resuming, and equivalent to forsake, but is less emphatical than abandon and desert. They placed Irish tenants on the lands relinquished by the English. 2. To forbear; to withdraw from; as, to relinquish the practice of intemperance; to relinquish the rites of a church. 3. To give up; to renounce a claim to; as, to relinquish a debt. To relinquish back, or to, to give up; to release; to surrender; as, to relinquish a claim to another. As those are not a people how can this be, where the remembrance of the lost sheep Israel : this picture and its contents is a snare: SNARE, n. 1. An instrument for catching animals, particularly fowls, by the leg. It consists of a cord or string with slip-knots, in which the leg is entangled. A snare is not a net. 2. Any thing by which one is entangled and brought into trouble. I Cor. 7. A fools lip are the snare of his soul. Prov 18. SNARE, v.t. To catch with a snare; to ensnare; to entangle; to bring into unexpected evil, perplexity or danger. The wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Psa 9. my confession my clarity
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:48:06 +0000

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