this is a said story that i wrote one dark and gloomy evening - TopicsExpress


this is a said story that i wrote one dark and gloomy evening while sulking in deep sorrow. listed to the music while reading. this is just a story. Low Tide, As the waves crash heavily upon his soul he looked toward the ocean that he once loved with sorrow. his tears flowing into the blue of his eyes and down his cheek. it has been so long since he had felt anything in his heart that it has grown cold. now faded memories of Christmas past, birthdays, thanksgiving turkey on the table with everyone fighting over the last leg flooding his mind leaving behind only echos of a time when he smiled and laughed. the struggles of life flooding over him as he watches it all being ripped away over and over. once more his heart sinks into the cold depths of his mind. looking for where he went wrong. confused and alone he steps from the sand and walks into the surf. you can only treat a man like he is nothing for so long until he actually believes that he has no worth in this world. he takes another step. remembering the harsh words from his own kin, the fights, the hurt, the betrayal, the whispers. one more step. the clouds over head pouring down on him as if to wash his pain away. he remembers the first kiss to the last scream taring him down to rubble. now no more than a husk he steps forward again. he glances back to the fire he made on the sandy beach, flickering in the rain, dancing, steaming. he would cry but he cant. he is out of tears and numb to the thought. the man who was king of the world in his childrens eyes has fallen. now nothing more than a bad taste, a laughing stock, a faded memory to be lost to the sea. he knows that it is selfish to continue forward but the hurt drives him at this point. one more step forward. the chilly waters up to his belt now, pulling at him with the crash of each oncoming wave. he remembers the smiles as he went to work. the notes in his lunchbox, the i love yous when he would arrive back at home....home...he did not even have a home any more. forced to take charity and hand outs just to survive...he had a nice home once. kids playing in the yard, dogs running around his feet, the smell of dinner wafting from the kitchen. birds chirping. he turns to smile back at his oldest as the vision evaporates back into reality leaving him alone once again. he steps forward. the waters up to his chest now as he starts to bob around, foaming around him. the fire still burning on the shore, his only beacon of truth and hope. he remembers all the good with the bad, all of the hurt and all of the wonderful moments that made him smile. as the water washes over his head he feels at peace. calmed by the only thing that he has control of in his own he sinks into the locker...he whispers the words I am free. up on shore a cold and wet family walks up to a lonely fire to find a note in a bottle that simply read - I leave all of my treasures of this world behind. may they learn to laugh, love and live better than their father. the woman looks at the note and starts to cry, her children coming to her side asking whats wrong. she looks at them and pulls them close hugging them while crying and says, your father will always love you. you are his only treasures. the fire flickers and dies. written by David Tedder
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:52:36 +0000

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