this is from a man i went to cvcc with, i was reading through my - TopicsExpress


this is from a man i went to cvcc with, i was reading through my old email and found it, just thought i would put it out there in the world: The Unusual Way That Jesus Paid Taxes and How It May Be a Message to Modern Christians By: Loy Robert: Bost, III Jesus and His disciples had traveled to Capernaum. The tax collectors asked Peter if his Master, Jesus, paid tribute to Caesar; Peter told the tax collector that Jesus did pay tribute to Caesar. When Peter returned to the house that they were staying in, Jesus was upset with what Peter had done, and He prevented him from entering the house. He asked Peter, what he was thinking when he gave his answer to tax collector (Bible, Matthew 17: 24 and 17:25). Jesus was of the Royal Bloodline of King David. Jesus was, and is, the King of kings. God’s only begotten Son surely owed no tax to any man; however, Jesus did not wish to offend anyone by not being true to the word of His disciple, so He instructed Peter to go to the sea, and cast a hook into the water. He further instructed Peter to take the first fish that he caught, and open its mouth and remove a piece of money therein, and use that piece of money to pay the tax for both of them (Bible, Matthew: 1:1 and 17:27). What is the meaning of this strange ritual? Why didn’t Jesus tell Peter to take a coin from his pocket or money pouch? Why not ask Peter to take a coin from under a rock? Jesus performed miracles; this was an opportune time to perform the old coin behind the ear trick, but instead he had Peter perform this unusual ritual instead; why? What message was Jesus trying to tell Christians by his actions? The Pharisees apparently saw an opportunity to discredit Jesus when He paid the tax to Caesar. They asked Jesus if it was lawful to pay tribute to Caesar. Jesus asked the Pharisees to show Him a coin used to pay the tax, which they did. Jesus then asked them whose name and superscription was on the coin; they answered, Caesar’s. Then Jesus told them to give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and give God the things that are God’s. They marveled at his words and went on their way (Bible, Matthew: 22: 15 through 22:22, Mark: 12:12 through 12:17, Luke: 20:19 through 20:25). Why did the Pharisees marvel so? Was Caesar trying to take something that was God’s? If Caesar were not trying to take something that was God’s, there would have been no point to the Pharisees even bringing up the subject, would there? Was there some process in the Roman tax laws that required the taxpayer to worship Caesar or some pagan god? If so, how would the unusual manner in which Jesus paid the tax prevent such worship from taking place? Just as importantly, are there any similarities between the tax laws of today and those of Jesus’ time, which should cause modern day Christians to be careful of how they pay their taxes? Does pagan Roman law still exist in the modern world? These are the questions being addressed in this treatise. It is difficult to know the exact procedure used to pay Roman taxes in Jesus’ time on earth. However, it is interesting to note that Joseph and Mary, full with child, had gone to Bethlehem, the City of David, to be counted for what may have been the very first world-wide tax. While they were there, Jesus was born (Bible, Luke: 2:1 through 2:6). It is noteworthy to understand that God never wanted His people to be numbered. This practice has always been the work of Satan (Bible, 1 Chronicles: 21:1). In this instance, God may have used an evil work of men to fulfill an earlier prophesy; Jesus was to be numbered with the transgressors (Bible, Isaiah: 53:12). So it seems that Jesus was numbered by men, and with men, from the very day of His birth, and so the prophesy was fulfilled in Him. Though we do not know the exact procedure of worldwide Roman taxation, we do know that it started at essentially the same time as Jesus’ birth. We also know that this taxation was based on pagan Roman laws, and thus it was not based upon Gods laws. To understand why the Pharisees took offense to Jesus’ tax paying, one must have a basic understanding of the laws of pagan Rome. The Romans worshiped a multitude of false gods; the belief in the powers of these false gods influenced the laws of pagan Rome. The god, Mars, was the Roman god of war. It is common knowledge that Martial law and Maritime law, which are generally enforced in Admiralty courts, are modern legal descendants of Roman law (Concentes Dii. Page 1). Martial law is implemented in times of war or national emergency, and Maritime law is used primarily on the high seas. It is a commonly known historical fact that the expansion of ancient Rome was advanced largely by military action; therefore, the Roman’s belief in the false god, Mars, was likely to have been influential in the ruling of the lands conquered by Rome. The false god, Mercury, was the messenger of the gods. He was also the god of commerce; law Merchant and Mercantile law are also modern day descendants of Roman law. The wealth and commerce of the lands conquered by ancient Rome was likely to have been a motivational factor for invading the lands to begin with, so the Roman’s belief in the false god, Mercury, may have been very influential in the laws governing the lands conquered by Rome as well (Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law ©1996. See: Admiralty, Law Merchant, Maritime, Martial law. Concentes Dii. page 1. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of the Several States of the American Union, Revised Sixth Edition, 1856, See: Admiralty, Maritime, Maritime Law, War). The pagan god worship associated with Roman laws, combined with the fact that there were temples in some Roman cities that were erected for the worship of Caesar himself, makes it easy to see why the Pharisees may have thought that Jesus was honoring false gods by paying taxes to Rome. However, it is not quite clear how the ritualistic methodology used by Jesus clearly showed to the Pharisees that no such honor to false gods was being bestowed. Therefore, in order to understand Jesus’ instructions to Peter, one must first understand what the sea, the fish, and the coin symbolize under the Roman law. Only then can the full magnitude of Christ’s instructions be completely understood. Therefore, it is convenient for the sake of this treatise that Roman law is still in existence today, and can be studied in its present form quite carefully (8. Historical Setting. Page 1). The following may seem off topic at first; however, it is relevant to the subject at hand, which will be obvious later in this treatise. The people of the United States are subject to the Civil law; Civil law is legally defined simply as “Roman Law” by Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law ©1996. Thus, a look at our own laws might give some insight as to the function of the laws in Jesus’ time on earth. Contrary to popular belief, it is an established fact that the United States Federal Government was dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719. It was declared by President Roosevelt to be bankrupt and insolvent. The “Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause” [H. J. R. 192, 73rd. Congress in session June 5, 1933] dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Government Offices, Officers and Departments (United States Congressional Record. page H-1303). If the United States Federal Government exists today, it is in name only. The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments now operate within a de facto status under Emergency War Powers. These International Bankers have become the “Caesars” of the modern world. Just as in Jesus’ time on earth, the government, the people, and the money are in the hands of a foreign power (Caesar) and the rules of Roman law (United States Congressional Record. page H-1303). To understand how Roman law is enforced in the United States, one must understand that the Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. It operates exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The Maritime law compels specific performance in paying the interest (tax), or premiums on the National Debt. The Federal Government borrows as much of the credit based “money substitute” [debt based credit] that it wishes from the privately owned Federal Reserve System. In return, the Government has hypothecated all of the property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a beneficiary of an alleged trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their subjects, the 14th Amendment U.S. citizens, to the Federal Reserve System. The purported tax that is paid by US citizens is merely interest being paid on the government’s debt obligations to the Federal Reserve System. Thus, the Federal U.S. bankruptcy is serviced. This may seem irrelevant to the subject at hand; however, it illustrates the very essence of the basic mechanics of modern Roman law (United States Congressional Record. page H-1303) The above described Maritime law is the law of the sea. The sea was where Jesus told Peter to cast his hook; perhaps the “sea,” that Jesus spoke of, may have been representative of the pagan Roman legal system, which still exists today. Spurning further similarities to His parable, the Certified Birth Certificates that are now issued to all children born in the United States are presently used as a commercial paper hypothecated to back the Federal Reserve Notes. A “certificate” by legal definition can be defined as: “a document that is proof of ownership or indebtedness.” The all capitalized name on the Certified Birth Certificates indicates that the individual named is a “legal person.” A “legal person” is legally defined as “a body of persons or an entity (as a corporation) considered as having many of the rights and responsibilities of a natural person and esp. the capacity to sue and be sued.” Thus, the people of the United States have become a corporate entity, both individually and collectively as part of the Gross National Product (Gross National Product. Page 1). Further, a “corporation” is defined as: “an invisible, intangible, artificial creation of the law existing as a voluntary chartered association of individuals that has most of the rights and duties of natural persons but with perpetual existence and limited liability”. It is obvious that a fish owes its existence and charter powers to the sea, so perhaps the “first fish” that Jesus spoke of might be referring to the corporate “person” created at birth by the Roman civil law, which owes its existence and powers to the law of the sea (Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law 1996. See: corporation). In present times people in the United States are legally considered corporate (legal) persons created by the State through the application of Roman law. This is evident by the fact that U.S. citizens are legally required to get permission from the State in the form of licenses and permits to engage in rights that were originally considered God given but are now legally considered to be civil rights granted by the State. To support this contention, consider the requirement to get driver’s licenses, building permits, fishing licenses, hunting licenses, passports, zoning permits, and marriage licenses just to name a few. All of these licenses and permits bear the all capitalized and/or initialed names of persons created by the State under Roman civil law. A Christian name is not properly spelled with all capital letters or initials (Style Manual, Chapter 3 at § 3.2). It is interesting to note that the translators of the King James Version of the Holy Bible translated Jesus’ name in all capital letters six times in the New Testament: Matthew:1:21, Matthew:1:25, Matthew:27:37, Luke:1:31, Luke:2:21, and John:19:19. All of these verses refer to Jesus’ name given at His birth or His death. The modern day birth and death certificates bear similar all capitalized names. Perhaps Jesus was falsely considered to be a “legal person” by the Roman authorities of His day, just as we are today. New Testament Scripture states that God has no respect for persons at: Acts: 10:34, Romans: 2:11, Ephesians: 6:9, Colossians: 3:25, James: 2:9 and 1 Peter: 1:17. Simon Peter warned the Christians that “false teachers” through greed and lies would make merchandise of them (Bible, 2 Peter: 2:1 through 2:3). It seems quite plausible that the same situation might still exist today. When one looks at modern day 1040 tax forms, instructions, and Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code, one will notice that the instructions apply to certain “persons” as distinguished from “people.” The word “people” refers to men and women. Men and women are the creation of God (Bible, Genesis: 1:26 through 1:27 and Genesis: 2:7 through 2:8). No matter which legal dictionary one chooses, “man” nor “woman” nor “people” will ever be used in the definition of a “person.” Further, no legal dictionary attempts to define “people” at all. Therefore, one must conclude that “persons” and “people” are not considered to be synonymous in the eyes of the law (A Dictionary of Law 1893, A Law Dictionary 1856, Websters Dictionary of Law 1996. See: person, “people” not listed in any source). When one fills out a 1040 tax form, he/she is apparently admitting, by swearing an oath under the penalty of perjury, to being a legal person, which is a creation of Roman civil law. “Perjury” is legally defined as: “the act or crime of knowingly making a false statement (as about a material matter) while under oath or bound by an affirmation or other officially prescribed declaration that what one says, writes, or claims is true.” “Oath” is legally defined as: a solemn attestation of the truth of ones words or the sincerity of ones intentions” specifically: “one accompanied by calling upon a deity as a witness” (A Dictionary of Law 1893, See: perjury, and oath). Jesus warned Christians that above all they should not to swear any oaths or they would fall into condemnation (Bible, James: 5:12). Jesus told Peter that He would give him the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, but in the same verse He told Peter that whatever is bound on earth is also bound in Heaven; further, he stated that what is lost on earth is also lost in heaven (Bible, Matthew: 16:19). Perhaps through ignorance of the mechanics of Roman civil law, many Christians are unwittingly swearing an oath to God, via 1040 tax forms, stating that they are “persons” created by the operation of pagan Roman law and are therefore not “people” created by God the Father; if so, this would be a direct breach of the First Commandment (Bible. Exodus: 20:3). In the opinion of this author, the unusual way that Jesus paid taxes was an example to all Christians as to how they should pay their taxes. Jesus knew full well that He was not a creation of pagan Roman law, the law of the “sea.” He had Peter remove a coin from the mouth of the “first fish” that he caught, and instructed Peter to use that coin to pay the tax. Therefore, by removing the money from the mouth of the fish, Jesus was refusing to speak as a creation of the law of the “sea.” Thus, one can conclude that Christians should speak as the man/women and living soul that God created and pay the tax that is requested without compromising the lawful stature granted to them by God (Bible. Genesis: 2:7). In this manner Jesus rendered unto Caesar the things that were Caesars, and rendered unto God the things that were Gods. If this hypothesis is correct then it is no wonder that the Pharisees marveled at Jesus’ words. Works Cited God. The Holy Bible. King James Version The Speaker - Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House. United States Congressional Record. March 1, 1993 VOL. 33, page H-1303. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law. 1996 ed. United States Government Printing Office. Style Manual. March 1984 ed. [provides comprehensive grammar, style and usage for all government publications, including court and legal writing]. William C. Anderson. A Dictionary of Law: A Dictionary and Compendium of American and English Jurisprudence. T. H. Flood and Company: Chicago, 1893. Bouvier, John. A Law Dictionary: Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the Union: With References to the Civil and other Systems of Foreign Law. 6th ed. Childs and Peterson, Philadelphia, 1856. Concentes Dii. Internet Source. Available at: members.tripod/~onespiritx/gods35.htm#Mars(Ares). 8. Historical Setting. Internet Source. Available at: Gross National Product. Internet Source. Available at: cftech/BrainBank/CORPORATEADMINISTRATION/GrossNatlProd.html.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:14:34 +0000

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