this is in regards to my previous post, let me inform some of you - TopicsExpress


this is in regards to my previous post, let me inform some of you ignorant uneducated assholes on something, first off dont tell me you cant consider yourself mexican if you cant speak the language so lets play a game of reverse psychology, so if your parents are from another country but come here and cant speak english can they not consider themselves american? hmmm makes sense que no? second of all dont try contradicting my statement when if you actually read what i put (which you didnt) and understood it (which you didnt) you wouldve clearly got my message, i by NO means whatsoever was trying to bring any negative connotations to that post, i clearly stated facts and what ive seen through first hand experience, i understand thoroughly about a mexican family coming to the united states at a young age having to raise twelve children throughout the years while the mom tended at home and the dad worked in the fields and in the long run i am that grandchild conceived in this country on blood, sweat, and tears, dont give me that shit about i dont know about that background, and dont for one second EVER think i am ungrateful for my upbringing and heritage because i am FOREVER thankful to my grandparents for having sacrificed so much for their family and bringing them to this country, on another note the white washed thing i threw to the side because i never considered being sophisticated and literate a bad thing nor would anybody, im very proud of being mexican american and will continue to better myself and my people hence the reason why im taking chicano studies classes (yet i cant consider myself mexican? hmmm) and try to participate in events bettering my community, check your facts before coming to me and maybe next time ill throw your ass a book so you can get yourself an education, oh and btw dont attack me just because of the fact you have bad blood with me (i say you cause i let it go a long time ago) thats a pretty childish, immature move, its people like you that dont allow our people to progress cxs, -the future generation chicano
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 06:14:03 +0000

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