this is my A Call of Action Very long version being filed and - TopicsExpress


this is my A Call of Action Very long version being filed and served To the Above Named, Read the following very carefully and govern yourselves accordingly. A Call of Action is being demanded and served upon you that conclusive evidence now available to me exists that the Citizens of the United States and the Global World are being chemically poisoned by Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Stratospheric Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program research activity. As Quoted by: Dane Wigington @ the Shasta County Board of Supervisors Meeting held in Redding, California on Tuesday, July 15th, 2014 “The official stated purpose by governmental documents and US stats for Geo Engineering Schemes is Solar Radiation Management (SRM) to block the sun based on Global Warming. The consequences don’t seem to be considered in these programs. That is the stated purpose on almost all UN and Global Governance documents.” according to evidence and statement’s made at Shasta County Board of Supervisors Meeting in Redding California. actionnewsnow/news/shasta-county-supervisors-vote-to-look-further-into-chemtrails-/ Short version of actual Shasta County Board of Supervisors Meeting held in Redding, California on Tuesday, July 15th, 2014 avcaptureall/Sessions.aspx#session.7c6446fd-6b79-42db-ab81-480b9a0969d1 It is a grave public health hazard and should be considered a number one concern and must be disclosed. These programs will continue to go on with little to no supervision until the actual effects are made known to the media and disclosed to the Citizens of the United States. According to the National Climate Assessment Key Message: Most Vulnerable at Most Risk Climate change will, absent other changes, amplify some of the existing health threats the nation now faces. Certain people and communities are especially vulnerable, including children, the elderly, the sick, the poor, and some communities of color. The results of rainwater tests, soil sample tests, and standing water tests that have been done in various areas of the U.S. are all showing alarmingly high levels of aluminum, barium, strontium, other harmful substances. The heavy metal test results are consistent with ongoing discussions and existing patents for Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering. These heavy metals remain in our atmosphere and are falling upon our soil, our water supply, and our food supply. We are inhaling heavy metal particulate matter on an ongoing basis, and these nanoparticle-sized metals are being absorbed by our bodies, by those of our pets and livestock, and by our produce. Most notably, it is causing long term air pollution, resulting in severe respiratory diseases in our population, especially among those people most vulnerable. As elected officials representing the people you have a moral and ethical obligation to investigate the contamination issue that is a grave public health hazard. Disclosures of the heavy metal contamination and UV issue are necessary and required along with informing the people in a timely manner. Should you make the choice to do nothing at some point the “We the People” will hold each and every one of our elected officials responsible and accountable. ADEQ Meeting - 06/25/2014 Streamed live on Jun 25, 2014 Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Senator Kelli Ward Please educate yourselves as Citizens of United States and as Elected Official’s you took an Oath “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.” We the Citizens of the United States do explicitly reserve our unalienable Right to take whatever steps deemed necessary, proper and lawful to effect a remedy of public investigation into Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program research activity of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering being conducted in United States. Demand an immediate CEASE AND DESIST to all Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program research activity until we know the short and long term effects of on the general population. Introduce legislation to create “No- Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering spray Zones” in all states. Give immunity and protection to anyone willing to blow the whistle on Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Activity program research activity operations. Identify who is responsible for allowing us to be aerosol sprayed on the city/county/state/global level. Demand that each city/county/state be given a 72 hour warning before aerosol spraying so people can choose to protect themselves. Demand an explanation for Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program research activity with aerosol spraying on the city/county/state/congress/senate levels and we as citizens do not accept the denial that spraying is going on. Prosecute anyone who continues to aid these illegal Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program research activity operations and hold those companies responsible that produce toxic chemicals, toxic metals, biological toxins, and any other submicron particles that cause Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program research activity related diseases that affects the general population. Investigations and inquiries on the local/state/federal level are being ignored. Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program research activity spraying is being denied at the highest levels of our government. The only way to halt chemical toxic aerosol spraying on us is for the general population to wake up and demand that it stop. When a free people no longer have a say in the air that they breathe, they are no longer free. Think about it, someone or some group of persons, non-elected, now have the power over the air we that we breathe in on a daily basis. They are now deciding what to put in the air and therefore are affecting our overall health and wellness. This means that we are potentially “one spray” away from a potential disaster that could kill/contaminate everyone in the U. S. and all NATO countries. What will happen if an enemy country gains control over these toxic sprays? If you see a Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program research activity above your head you are now at risk As Quoted by: By Rosalind Peterson May 18, 2011 NewsWithViews newswithviews/Peterson/rosalind130.htm#_ftn8 THE LIABILITY ISSUE: The geoengineers want to conduct their experiments behind closed doors without public participation or rules. Why? The answer is that they will be financially liable if their experiments impair human health, agriculture, poison our water, soils, air or create other damaging events. Thus, they require secrets tests and experiments with no public debate, notification, oversight or knowledge. Climate scientists that propose geoengineering really don’t want a public debate on this issue because they know that their schemes would be unacceptable and rejected by the public. [8] Local, State and U.S. Congressional Hearings should be immediately held in order to completely investigate the consequences of proposed and ongoing geoengineering experiments by any individual, state, county, private corporation, the U.S. military, university or U.S. government agencies on agriculture, crop production, air and water pollution, acid rain, human health, and our oceans. And aviation geoengineering programs should not escape their notice. There is a lot at stake and all of us should have our voices heard in this debate. We, the undersigned, are requesting U.S. Congresspersons, Senators, and all Local/ State/Federal Government officials, employees, and appointees to address and to initiate an investigation into the issue of ongoing Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program research activity that is taking place under the guise of “Silent Consent” of the population. Under PUBLIC LAW 105—85—NOV. 18, 1997: USE OF HUMAN SUBJECTS FOR TESTING OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL AGENTS. Read the full text of this law here. Page 287 Section 1078 Although section (c) seems to provide some protection for us in that it requires us to be notified in advance if this testing is to take place, in reality, it does not provide any protection at all. Deception Quoted by: Russ Tanner “Section (c) of this law is very deceptive because most people dont understand the concepts of acquiescence in contract law, therefore, people mistakenly conclude that this testing will never happen to them unless they are informed about it”. “The powers-that-be play upon public ignorance by inducing people into having a false sense of security. As a result, the public believes this activity could not be occurring because they believe that they would have personally heard about it. This false belief then provides insurance that this law will never be contested in court, and as long as this law remains uncontested” Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program research activity spraying will continue unhindered. The final result is that this craftily-written law has done its job. It has enabled Biochemical/Chemical Persistent Contrails Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying of Geo Engineering/Solar Radiation Management Schemes, Weather Modification and/or Control/Climate Engineering and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program research activity spraying to continue without being contested in court. Additionally, this law continually provides legal protection for those doing the spraying. After all, by your inaction you have given them your permission. 50 U.S. CODE Chapter 32 - CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM. Section, Pub. L. 91–121, title IV, § 409(a), Nov. 19, 1969, 83 Stat. 209; Pub. L. 93–608, § 2(4), Jan. 2, 1975, 88 Stat. 1971; Pub. L. 97–375, title II, § 203(a)(2),Dec. 21, 1982, 96 Stat. 1822, directed Secretary of Defense to submit an annual report to Congress on expenditures for research, development, test, and evaluation of all lethal and nonlethal chemical and biological agents. Such investigation will include independent, impartial experts, as well as ordinary citizens. Right to Know, In the context of United States workplace and community environmental law, is the legal principle that the individual has the right to know the chemicals to which they may be exposed in their daily living. It is embodied in federal law in the United States as well as in local laws in several states. Right to Know laws take two forms: Community Right to Know and Workplace Right to Know. Each grants certain rights to those groups. The right to know was a movement made popular by Rachel Carson with her book Silent Spring. [1] Environmental illness share characteristics with common diseases for example, cyanide exposure symptoms include weakness, headache, nausea, confusion, dizziness, seizures, cardiac arrest, and unconsciousness. [2][3] Influenza and heart disease include the same symptoms. Cyanide is one of the most toxic substances known to man. Failure to obtain proper disclosure is likely to lead to improper or ineffective medical diagnosis and treatment. This can contribute to prolonged illness and death. stopsprayingcalifornia/Hydrogen_Cyanide.php Geoengineering: Governance and Technology Policy Case Orange - Belfort Group Report on Contrail Science Strontium, PFOA and toxic chemicals found in one-third of U.S. water supply naturalnews/043356_water_supply_toxic_chemicals_perfluorinated_compounds.html saive/911/DOCS/Chemtrail-Symposium-Belfort-Group-70Page-Report-Searchable.pdf Dr. Coen Vermeeren Symposium speech Part 1 video, (starting at about 35 mins.) (29 May 2010) USAFA CHEM CHEMISRTY 131 MANUEL Fall 1990 Department of Chemistry U. S. Air Force Academy saive/911/DOCS/Chemtrails_Chemistry_Manual_USAF_Academy_1990-OPT.pdf Weather as a Force Multiplier Owning the Weather in 2025 I, Kimberly Ann Whitaker, do hereby affirm under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (federal government) that the above statement of facts and laws is true and correct to the best of my current information, knowledge, and belief, so help me God, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746 (1) (Constitution, and Laws and Treaties of the United States are supreme Law of the Land, notwithstanding anything in the Constitution or Laws of Montana State to the contrary. (See Supremacy Clause.) Respectfully submitted, Kimberly Ann Whitaker, Sui Juris Kimberly Ann Whitaker (Kimberly Ann Waite maiden name given at birth) Natural Man (Women) in Private Venue. All Rights Reserved AT LAW United States Citizen on behalf of myself and other concerned peoples of Planet Earth. Dated: NOTICE TO PRINCIPALS IS NOTICE TO AGENTS. NOTICE TO AGENTS IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPALS. Mail replies to: Kimberly A. Whitaker 7700 West Riverside Drive #2 Missoula, Montana 59802 or kawconsulting1@outlook
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 15:46:25 +0000

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