*this is my original comment, on the post I shared it on. They - TopicsExpress


*this is my original comment, on the post I shared it on. They love deleting my comments when I get on there & speak about the twisted department. My story of an officer pocketing a passengers weed of mine was deleted in seconds, repeatedly! LOL Tiffany Hampton I have my own story about warrants, this department, & dogs. I had two PUPPIES about 6 months old, one is half pit, 1/4 rot, 1/4 Shepard. The other a coon dog. The officers came to my house to issue some bullcrap warrants they finally admitted they didnt even want to serve, but were required because of those power tripping magistrates (freedom of speech! Deal with it) BUT that doesnt change how they arrived upon entering my home. They waited til almost midnight to surround my home. Might be TMI but we (my fiancé & I) sleep in our burthday suits. We were asleep with a big fan & tv on. We didnt hesr their first knocks. The second knock we sure did because they were screaming OPEN THIS DOOR OR IM KICKING IT IN WE KNOW YOURE IN THERE had no CLUE who they were. I told them we were coming & we had to get dressed, that wasnt good or fast enough, so they began beatong on my door (thank god it was dead bolted) & my two dogs went NUTS. To them these buttholes were coming in in a threatening manner to hurt mommy & daddy. Before i could put them away, the officer ordered me to come to the door, while still beating on it, not worry about my dogs, so guess what you fools? They followed me. We were partially dressed, my fiance had gone into another room for jacket these officers accused him of running (i tell ya either your men love drama & are fight & gun happy or they arent real smart) so they tried to come in. I blocked their way (they still had not told me WHY they were there) my dogs lunged. The teo officers went straight for their guns! AFTER THEY REFUSED TO LET ME CONTAIN MY DOGS, GET DRESSED, OR ANYTHING. I bucked up on hem, said a few choice words,& i think they came to their senses. Lets not even TOUCH on what happened oncd they came inside! At that moment i was pregnant, & had two young children under the age of 4 in my home. Cannot stand to see people defend this department. There have bern two nice officers i have dealt with, the rest are trigger happy butts. My family use to run this department basically, my papaw was chief, my nanny took care of the inmates in the old jail, my mom got help with her math homework from the local drunks. This was WRONG& i believe this mans story. When they start picking us off one by one because they fear for themselves without any valid reason, maybe people will listen. What about our rights when we fear the police? Are we allowed to defend ourselves & property from them?
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 08:48:24 +0000

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