this is not for sympathy as I tear up thinking about it as if it - TopicsExpress


this is not for sympathy as I tear up thinking about it as if it happened this morning.this is for fritz and potential dog savers.aka big ole bearbig boy dogi only called him fritz when he did something wrong:).all four of my dogs got pinned under a car when it backed up in my driveway 1 year ago the time I got a jack fritzy didnt make it.the sites and sounds of that day will be with me forever.however! I rescued fritz 8 years ago! he was being put down at a kennel.he was labeled as disobedient,dangerous and destructive.nobody wanted him.he had hip issues from being locked in a car kennel for too long.which inevitably led to his death.he was the best dog ever.little kids rode him using his ears for handlebars,i took him to basketball practice and he sat in the corner of the gym and barked when it was time to quit.he went on many wrecker calls.he was never what they labeled him as.dont let anybody judge a dog for you,you be the judge.we rode in the back of a truck that day to the vets,i held his head in my was cold,he yelped at every bump.he stared into my eyes.i told him i loved him and it was going to be ok,all the way there.i wonder if he was thinking thanks for rescuing me and loving me or how could you have let this happen to me we had to put him down,i havnt been the same since,but everything is going to be ok...thanks for reading,
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 18:15:26 +0000

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