this is one of the last two place I worked at with the owner of - TopicsExpress


this is one of the last two place I worked at with the owner of this little hotel Myrtle from Germany.I told both of my jobs today that I am moving on, Ann my first job who comes from a little town in germany 20 minutes from where I grew up, what are the odds right. She was very happy for me ,and we hugged in the end, and told each other we loved each other, and we going to miss each other, she is so sweet. The second one was a little different, I told her and she was kind of angry ,and told me I should have told her two weeks ago, and I actually told her right away , but anyway I didnt say anything, but I could feel the side of guilt she just dished me out ,and I went to work , but if you know me you know I cant let staff like that go, it eats at my heart.So in the end I went to her, and said sorry but this is still on my heart. I did tell you right away, and really this is only a job I really didnt even have to come to day but I didnt want to let you hang. She looked at me with tears in her eyes ,and said I know I just said it because is hard for me to let you go, we had a very sweet moment, I told her its hard for me two I was really happy here. I live for these moments I really do . I love it when we become real with one another, its always that we just really Love so much, and we get hurt because we feel rejected . I know that so well, because I fall in Love so easy with you, all of you, for me its always about connection in life and the jobs I do ,are just excuses to get together, but there is always the element of love, and care and kindness that I want to experience, so sometimes I am challenged ,and sometimes I challenge you, to be more to be better to risk it all for Love...We are all on a journey together, and I love that, and its not a small thing to me, its a great honour to be here with you, because when you come here to this place bereft of Love and recognition of oneness you have a purposes to be that, and remind others of theres by being yourself. And we have to become brave enough ,to show one another that we are truly care . I do care about you, and I care about my heart, and when its heavy I am going to share it, just as much as when its joyful , but always with kindness and the understanding that I dont really know what you think or feel, but I care enough to find out for to long I made shite up only to find out I was completely wrong about everything, and asking questions is scary but so worth it when we do...I love you so very much, and I care about you more then you know ...
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 21:24:02 +0000

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