this is probably the longest status update ever, but im to lazy/ - TopicsExpress


this is probably the longest status update ever, but im to lazy/ busy for a blog, so heres a run down of the past decade and why Im grateful for it/ never want to relive it again... Ps. thanks for all the birthday love, you guys are awesome. Things I learned in my 20s. 12. Avoid the PTA. Send money to support the schools and teachers, do nice things/send stuff for the staff and teachers... they need it and deserve it... but competing with other over-acheiving room moms is stupid. You will not win. trust me on this one. 11. You do not have to home-made everything. it will look great on your instagram, but seriously the cakes, costumes, cards.. the time you spend with your kids/ husband instead of hand making all the above is way more fun then hand making all the above, and its cheaper to just buy the damn thing. ( DO make at least one thing for your kids to hang on to forever) 10. DO NOT drink crown. Ever. 9. Do NOT drink tequila. Ever. Especially the night before a marathon. it will not end well. 8. Do NOT drink tequila and crown together then challenge anyone to any sort of race or competition. Especially ones involving trampolines or rolling down several flights of stairs. it will not end well either. 7. Dont say anything about anyone or do anything you arent willing to own up to... being drunk doesnt void that rule. 6. Dont take anything personally.. its not about you. be kind, honest and do your best. if someone says or does something crappy to you after then, well then thats on them... smile and walk on. 5. The relationships you build with your kids are the coolest and most important ones you will ever have. shut up, listen to them, laugh with them and dont freak out over stupid stuff that doesnt matter. Trust me on this one too. 4. Being happy is awesome, and its is a choice. its not always an easy one... but its ALWAYS your choice to choose to be Happy. 3. love and accept yourself for who you are, do and say things to respect yourself and others in all aspects, and surround yourself with people that do the same. If there is something you dont like about you.. well then change it... confidence and peace with yourself is a beautiful thing. 2. Your family is absolutely everything. treat them like it and put them first. The good friends in your life that love you will understand the missed phone calls, delayed texts and skipped girls nights. dont think anyone has laid on their death bed wishing they spent less time with their family. 1. And the very best thing I learned in my 20s... was to Pray. Alot. and stay close to my faith and heavenly father. Evil does not look scary or what we think evil will look like... it looks like the exact thing that we think we want.. temptation is shiny, fun and pretty. The cool thing i learned is that even if you fall to it, You can get back to where you need to be through prayer, love and forgiveness. No matter how much i messed up, ( and ive messed up alot) or how bad things got I learned that God will forgive and love. You gotta keep close to him though... He will tell you where you need to be and guide you, but you cant be so far away that you cant hear him. Peace out 20s... Thanks for the lessons, but dont let the door hit ya.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 01:22:12 +0000

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