this is what im posting on my fb page Ok update time It is hard - TopicsExpress


this is what im posting on my fb page Ok update time It is hard to find a place to start but im going to keep this Australian based as much as possible. I will attach some links at the end for people to look into for themselves There are some elite psychopaths wanting to rule the world. it is a plan that has been in the making many hundreds of year and perhaps longer. its too detailed to go into atm but right here right now, all the evils of the world have united. The way this is being done is to take the currency making of every country, off the governments and people and replace it with fiat currency. The fiat money system is for the reserve bank to print money and loan it back to governments with interest, therefore everytime a government spend money its not spending the taxes its collected. Instead it borrows it from the reserve bank and uses our taxes to pay it back - With interest! Yep legal counterfeiting. Our laws says banks have to have a percentage of capital to cover withdrawals. The reserve bank does not do this as it prints money out of thin air and including interest, has loaned out more credit than there is cash to pay for it. So a financial crach comes when people withdraw on mass only to find their savings are gone. Its a tactic the reserve bank has been using for years and it breaks our constitution. So far the reserve bank has done this in every country in the world except 5, and only have Syria, China, Nth Korea, Iran and Russia. Russia and china have just booted the reserve bank out of their countries. The reserve bank demands that all oil be traded in US dollars and uses this to force countries into the fiat money system. The reserve bank is a private company and it prints Australians money and loans it back to our government and charges interest, therefore creating a debt that can never be paid. EVER. Our constitution writers foresaw this and put in safe guards into our constitution. therefore the banks could not have done this without our governments knowledge permission and assistance. This cannot be done without the assistance of our courts and high court judges. This cannot be achieved without people committing treason and they should face the justice of the people. And indeed they have been charged. Their objective is being reached due to secrecy, aided by the fact that between them they own the media, therefore control the amount of information being released to the public. (the net must have them squirming in their shoes lol). This corruption goes very deep and is well entrenched but it can be stopped simply by us being aware of what is going on and what has been going on. This is our big chance to stop this nonsense and make the world how it should be. Without the secrecy the whole thing is exposed, and when that happens this world that the corrupt have made will end and we will make the most amazing one to replace it. Part 12... The Rothschild family created the reserve bank. They are the wealthiest family in the world with and estimated value of over 500 -700 trillion. Yes trillions not millions. Between them and other elite families they hold 99% of the worlds money and assets. Their persona vault has a large proportion of the world gold in it. They created the fiat money system with the intent to take the worlds wealth off them. The Rothschilds own the patient for jet fuel and supplied both side of WW1 and WW2. Meaning they supplied both the Allies AND Nazi Germany with the fuel to fly the planes to bomb each other,They were charged with treason, but being the worlds richest family they have never faced any charges and still have not been till this day. They are heavily involved with the war industry and make their biggest profits through war. The Vatican funded and supplied passports for Nazi Germans to escape the Allies justice. Alot went to America to be employed by NASA. NASA is a private company and does not answer to the government, nor does it share its technology with the people nor the world. In fact its quite the opposite. If someone invents something that will reduce their profits they will pounce on the patient and have it locked away under national security. The FBI and CIA are private companies and do not answer to the American Government . In fact ,its the other way around The situation is the same here in Australia. And thats the basics of whats going on. If you look into 9/11 it proves that it had inside help and thats where it all starts to unravel This information may seem shocking, and it is, but information is power and we can use it to change things for the better. I do not know all the answers of what to do but between us all we do. We have technology 50-100 years advanced to what the public know about. This information belongs to the people of the world to use as they see fit. Tessa discovered UNLIMITED non wire transfer energy over 100 years ago. Where is this technology now and how far advanced have they taken it now. With free unlimited energy for the whole world, what reason is there for war??? Humans are amzing beings much more than we have been led to believe. Quantum physics is proving this. We are reality makers. Our thoughts, beliefs and emotions change the world around us. We are all made of quantum particles and we can do the same things they can do. Its a fascinating science we all should know about. These are just a few examples of the information that is out there. If you believe that terrorism is perpetrated by people and not governments then you are not awake and live a completely different reality to those of us who are.We can help you awaken but we cant do it for you. Dont get left behind. who owns the reserve bank https://youtube/watch?v=l8zyy9IlxGw Treason charges ascensionwithearth/2013/09/australian-government-charged-with.html Ascension with Mother Earth and Current State of Affairs: Australian Government charged with... ascensionwithearth Ahh finally, there is another one of our real soldiers defeating these scum in Australia. We have known where they were from for years. You should know better than to...
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 10:17:50 +0000

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