this piece is not a song. it is a portal or ritual. there are many - TopicsExpress


this piece is not a song. it is a portal or ritual. there are many questions and concerns about esoteric messages and energies in music and I am aware of the connotations and associations such words like Black Magic, Esoteric, Ritual, and Portal garner in the minds of us who have yet to do knowledge of self and the history of such terms. During Christian crusades and imperial conquest the plan of the elite was to rid the planet of all third-world customs and practices like: voodoo, sorcery, and magic which is all simply ancient science that western society has painted as wicked or evil. the reason they have painted it as wicked and evil is because they are wicked and evil. the great land of Africa and specifically Egypt was raided by a group called the Knights Templar and many great secrets of the universe and our powers in relative to the universe were stolen. the noses and lips of the sphinx and statues were deliberately destroyed so that we can see no trace or resemblance of ourselves and link our lineage with the great society of Egypt which is the foundation of all knowledge we still use today. they were the creators of math, science, electricity, and the builders of the great pyramids of Giza which are the oldest structures on the planet and its complex design still cant be duplicated to this day despite western societies technological advances. In Egypt once stood the library of Alexandria which held maps of the galaxy and a host of other things that makes todays researchers question how such an ancient society knew so much more about the universe than todays society of educated fools. The Knights Templar raided the library and transferred all the stories and information into Greek Mythology which they do, in fact, teach in Western schools. Todays Popes still wear the same symbols and robes as the Knights Templar as do the Ku Klux Klan. The Pope is apart of the Roman Empire which crucified the man they named Jesus and painted him as a white male who is really Cesar Bergia. The painting was created by famous painter Michaelangelo. The Roman Empire, after crucifying the real man who they named Jesus, then formed a religion called Christianity and rewrote ancient hebrew and African text in their own words calling it the Bible. They also use a crucifix symbolizing the execution of the man they named Jesus and have thier followers bow and pray to that crucifix in order to ask them for forgiveness for being alive and beg for entrance into thier depiction of eternal life which we already have and resides internally. Christianity now has many sub-units and many followers who exchange thier powers into the hands of the Roman Empire with the promise of everlasting life in heaven. The pope and the Roman Empire own the largest percentage of the worlds wealth and along with the Queen of England are considered The Crown. The reason they have gained so much power is because we have given it to them unknowingly by allowing ourselves to follow psychological mazes they built for the masses centuries ago. They have an understanding of high sciences and use symbols, laws, schools, colors, numbers, and sacred geometry to mentally imprison the masses everywhere you look. They hidden knowledge they know is who we are and what we can do. We are unable to do it because we dont even realize we are imprisoned. Their matrix is so elaborate that people Ive known my whole life will more quickly write me off as crazy instead of brave and intelligent all in thier defense. Most of us are comfortable with the mental imprisonment because we have been sedated with chemicals in our foods and made mentally lazy through television, sports, and music. Most of are comfortable inside the matrix of lies because we have no understanding of science and what is happening with our souls and are energy on a metaphysical level when we extract all of it into the hands of the Roman Empire. We dont understand that we are documented as vessels at birth on our certificates and categorized as port entries into the country as common stock like commodities and we voluntarily sign ourselves into slavery. We dont know that they play with science right in our faces when we, under maritime law, walk into a court room as wet water or port entries into a circuit court with a charge..... We dont understand the rituals taking place right before our face. The power of the universe is already encoded in our DNA and can be activated. Terms like witch witchcraft satan and others are designed to keep you away from things of a higher science that may free you and allow you to part the Red Sea which is this matrix of sacred geometry and illusion and walk through society unscathed while being fully protected by the powers of the universe. This piece is that protection or opening of that portal. Im not concerned with record deals or being famous.... Being that I have all the talent of a famous star but no deal, I use it to my advantage to do what they cannot and thats use hip hop for what it was actually designed for. Hip hip is spiritual as and was given to us as a tool passed down from our ancestors through the ethers. Many mainstream artists are unaware or too sedated to even know or remember this. The power is in our tongue and vibration of energy. Thats why artists like Biggie Smalls can create an album called Ready to Die and pass before the next album cones out. He was playing with a high science he didnt fully understand. The elite fully understand this power. Thats why they put distraction music in full rotation on your radio frequencies. If you choose to listen to this piece, use headphones and thank me later for showing the door off the grid.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 10:28:20 +0000

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