this short article from the Atlantic feels irresponsible. First, - TopicsExpress


this short article from the Atlantic feels irresponsible. First, the subhead implies the Millennials arent saving because they hate banks which, to be fair, are perfectly hatable. HOWEVER, blaming not saving on consumer confidence in a week where the Guardian announces that 1% of the population owns as much as 90% of the population (and most young people are part of that young percent) is as bullshit-and-click-baity as dropping in a line about Millennials being more likely to ask their parents for financial advice than banks when banks have LONG ago abandoned any community role, replacing most banking interactions with robots. Blaming consumers for feeling alienated by an industry thats moved almost entirely toward alienating automation is a straw argument at best. And now my pre-post message is as long as the stupid, annoying non-news article: theatlantic/business/archive/2014/11/why-arent-millennials-saving-money/382634/
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:22:28 +0000

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