this was when Her Imperial Majesty adopted the children of the - TopicsExpress


this was when Her Imperial Majesty adopted the children of the formerly known as diasporia back into the human family of nations as Kas Ambu ie Kush Tribal Nation, so we are no longer a tribeless or nationless people Amnesia yes, bandless/tribeless, no. Nationless depends on what parties contracted or contract into (whether they know they are contracted or not. Parties have a right to contract their rights away whether they know it or not. Sadly, most of our kith and kindred do not have a clue...especially those that allege themselves to be conscious though clearly NOT AWAKE) Organic-Government or inorganic: franchisee-management-operations as they are NOT THE SAME THING!!! Just because someone is referred unto as or says they are a Monarch or Constitutional-Monarch does not automatically mean that technically they are existing and functioning as a Monarch or Constitutional-Monarch. If they are engaging in the manner = speculative, they absolutely ARE NOT. If they are engaging in the manner = operative, they absolutely ARE. To be operative, you have to exist and function as the Physical-Manifestation Of The Sovereign-Power of the Organic-Nation, in-question. Speculative parties moving to participate with a non: Organic-Nation, especially parties contracted into the hostiles or the hostiles: peripherals, shall NOT be existing and functioning in the international-discourse as an: Organic-Nation. Organic-Nation and inorganic:legal-fiction: in-contemplation (For-profit or otherwise) doing-business-as NATION-STATE are NOT THE SAME THING. You can see who is who by who controls the money/central-bank. Those NATION-STATES (197 of these corporations doing business as franchisee-management-operations managing/controlling the franchisees of the franchisor/owner of the central-bank) that have their monetary-policy controlled by the Bauers (Red-Sheilds/Rothchilds - - - name of the hotel they used to meet in) are NOT existing and functioning as an: Organic-Nation. The hostiles and their default-benefactors have worked very hard to hold hostage or eliminate ALL Monarchies and Constitutional-Monarchies across the planet and supplant them with speculatives or other means to manage their economic-slaves/franchisees. Since the average brothers and sistars around the way dont have a clue let alone know the difference, it is easy to comprehend why so many do not know their current position. Without such knowledge, how could they possibly plot and navigate their course for the navigation of the international-discourse...hence most of our kith and kindred are/remain adrift at the mercy of the wind and current manipulated by the hostiles. Engage with the Henes, Sultans, Komo-Nkonzis, across the Alkebu-lan and Ab.Zu and youll find they are, almost without exception, on the team/active in the lodge. They are largely sold out and/or constrained by their commonwealth and paris-club masters thus beholden unto the hostiles instead of those they are to serve therein their Band/Tribe/House. Just like Khadafi was (He and Mubarak were both raised unto the 3rd degree by the same man = Dr Clifford Hazel PBUH). An they ALL fall in line because they dont desire to suffer Khadifis fate. Remember, as soon as Khadafi defied the masonic overlords he was under oath bound obligation to, the enlightened-masons/illuminated-masons from the Bauers family publicly said finish him (Khadafi) because he had the nerve to defy them in public and in the lodge when he demanded gold for oil instead of worthless commercial instruments printed around the planet by 197 central banks and federal reserves majority owned and operated by drum roll please...the Bauers aka Red-Shields aka Rothchilds. Sistar: Sheba-Ra: III = speculative, at-best thus currently, NOT existing and functioning as an actual Monarch or Constitutional-Monarch. This is not an attack on her character nor a personal attack of any type. This absolutely IS the truth and fact regarding how she currently proceeds. By her own words (Watch AND study her videos) she clearly has much to learn (Her language is horrible and her arena comprehension is as bad if not worse...In the international-discourse, when the Sovereign goes down ALL IN THAT Jurisdiction And Venue go down with their Sovereign. She is about as sovereign as a paint can right now. No diss to her, just the objective truth and fact based on her own words. If you are not trained there shall be consequences, often, immediate consequences). We empathize with the uninformed amongst our kith and kindred however this ALL matters. How you engage as a National-Collection-Of-Souls ABSOLUTELY MATTERS and how you proceed has consequences regarding collective-sovereignty (Without such there shall be NO private-sovereignty), monetary-policy, psycho-socio-economic: infrastructure for the predicating of the collective-industry, commerce, and trade through the access unto the various markets across the planet. Whether you get to do ANY of that as a master or a slave gets determined by how you proceed. We know that Sistar: Sheba-Ra: III, probably means well. However she is clearly contracted into the hostiles and clearly does not know Organic-process as we have monitored and monitor her actions to see how she proceeds and what evolutions in her process she demonstrates if any. To date, we (His-Imperial-Majestys: Imperial-Government on the behalf of the entire: Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Collection-Of-Souls) have chosen to stay clear of her as she is clearly encumbered thus rem and res-detrimental. Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sector: 4: Government-Command-Authority (Alkebu-lan: Command-Authority) as of the latest report and recommendation on the matter, still holds that there is no point-of-entry, worthy of us for any engagement with the Sistar: Sheba-Ra: III, at this time on the grounds of her current: operational-mindset and methodology. = was and remains: inorganic, contracted into the hostiles, and consequently rem and res: detrimental. With all of that said, we do not begrudge what others choose to do or what others ee as best for them ( Peace out unto the Inkgod Livesin Lb).as we wont stand for anyone even thinking they could conceive the thought that they could even dream of begrudging us our collective-choice. We merely present what is readily available in the open record for all to examine, investigate, contemplate, and discern on their own terms because as we said...failure to comprehend the difference has consequences. All parties must proceed caveat emptor
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 03:06:29 +0000

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