those who claim to be Muslims but say that the khilafah is invalid - TopicsExpress


those who claim to be Muslims but say that the khilafah is invalid are different types: A. THOSE WHO REJECT BUT DO NOT FIGHT THE KHILAFAH (1) those who do not know or have not heard of him and so assume the preceding state of affairs is continuing (al istishaab al haal) that there has been no khilafah for many decades. These are not sinful or accountable as they are not accountable for something that the news of it did not reach them. (2) Those who were far away and heard of the khilafah but were unsure of the news because of conflicting reports and either (a) was unsure if the declaration was true or just rumours (b) was unsure if it met the conditions of the khilafah such as the existence of security, full control and authority, implementation of the islamic rulings system etc ... and so he/she held back from affirming a decision on the matter before he could verify as he had certainty (yaqeen) that there was no khilafah until now and nothing can negate that yaqeen except yaqeen that the situation has changed. These are not sinful either, rather that is part of their ijtihad and they are exhausting utmost effort. (3) Those who made ijtihad based on the information available to them about the reality (this can mean that they had misleading information, or lack of important information, or that they had information others did not have etc) and concluded that one of the binding conditions of the khilafah was absent and therefore they considered it invalid as a khilafah but he considered it an Imaarah Khaassah like Taliban, Shabab etc.. e.g. if they thought that they did not really have security/control in the region but were just members of the public living in insecurity like any other resident. Such a person is not sinful rather they will still be rewarded for their ijtihad and if they are correct they will get two rewards. However it is incumbent on him to advise them about what they can do to complete their project. (4) Those who made ijtihad based on innovated conditions that have no evidence from the Quran and Sunnah and declared the khilafah invalid because they did not meat rational conditions that they invented while they had no genuine argument or suggestion that a binding condition is absent. e.g. someone who said that it cannot be khilafah because the khilafah does not control most/all of the Muslim territories or because they do not control Makkah and Madinah or because the majority of popular scholars did not support or give bayah etc. Such a person is sinful and has committed a major sin. (5) Those who rejected only out of desires, hatred, grudges, partisan, personal disputes, envy etc. Such a person is sinful and has committed a major sin. (6) Those who rejected it based on false allegations e.g. that they are khawaarij or murderers etc. Such a person is also sinful and has committed a number of major sins - both because these are not valid reasons to invalidate a khalifah and also because they failed to verify these false rumours. (7) Those who rejected out of refusal or rejection of the shariah of Allah e.g. those who consider it old fashioned/backwards/outdated/unsuitable for the 21st Century. These are kuffar. (8) Those who reject because they prefer other systems over khilafah or other laws over shariah laws such as democracy or other secular laws, communism etc, These are kuffar (9) Those who reject out of allegiance/alliance to USA, Saudi Arabia, Turkey etc and helping them in their missions to spread western ideologies & prevent the call for khilafah - e.g. the rulers, their ministers, police forces, intelligence etc These are kuffar, even if this alliance was only for money and while he claimed to love shariah. B. THOSE WHO REJECT AND DO FIGHT THE KHILAFAH (1) Those who reject the khilafah based on their ijtihad about the conditions of the khilafah not being met whether out of ignorance/innovation/desires/grudges/hatred etc AND fight them are sinful as this is still fitnah and fighting against Muslims which is a major sin. (2) Those who reject the khilafah based on the idea that they prefer a different candidate or wish that someone more suitable takes office. This person is sinful. (3) Those who reject the khilafah and FIGHT them based on some oppression that the khalifah is accused of against them or others. (Whether it is true or not) they are sinful as this does not invalidate the khilafah nor permit fighting it - the prophet (saw) said, Obey the ruler even if he lashes your back and takes your wealth (4) Those who reject the khilafah and fight them in alliance with the kuffar to help them in their well known war against Islam e.g. to ally with USA / Saudi Arabia / UN / PKK / SNC / SRF / Maliki / Asad / Israel / Peshmurga etc in fighting against the khilafah... These are kuffar. (5) Those who reject the khilafah and fight them out of hatred for the shariah or love for democracy or favouring any system above khilafah or claiming that khilafah is not a suitable system for modern times etc. These are kuffar. Wallahu Alam BY ABU BARAA
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 11:05:54 +0000

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