thought i would share this piece of writing i came across, enjoy - TopicsExpress


thought i would share this piece of writing i came across, enjoy champions! You are a living magnet,... What you attract in your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts,... You attract what you think and receive what you believe,... What you think,... You become,... What you feel,... You attract,... What you imagine,... You create,... Attract what you expect,... Reflect what you desire,... Become what you Respect,... And mirror what you admire,... Whatever you believe about yourself on the inside is what you will manifest on the outside,.. You cant have a positive life with a negative mind,... Every positive thought propels you in the right direction,... Your life is a journey,... Turn each new road into an adventure of humility,... Each rocky path into an exploration of self,... And each soul you meet into a teach of compassion,... The Happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts,... The happiest people dont have the best of everything,... They make the best of everything they have,... Happiness is not the absence of problems,... Its the ability to deal with them,... You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be,... You are here to change the world by changing yourself,... We are what we think,... All that we are arises with our thoughts,... With our thoughts,... We make the world,... Change your thoughts and you change your world,... Your thoughts reflect your reality,... The eyes are useless when the mind is blind,... Not until we are lost do we begin to find ourselves,... Courage is a love affair with the unknown,... When we let go of control only then do we truly live as intended,... Discovery requires courage and acceptance that we are not in control,... And that the future is uncertain,... If you dont like your life,... Its time you start making better choices,... If you want to see goodness in the world,... Start with yourself,... Stop Wishing,... Start Doing,... The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be,... The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be,... If you want your life to be different you have to start reacting to life differently,... Our reaction to a situation literally has the power to change the situation itself,... Whatever attitude we bring into a situation will be multiplied,... If we want more joy in a day,... We have to bring more joy to our day,... Happiness is not something ready made,... It comes from your own actions,... It starts with you,... Not your relationships,... Not with your job,... Not with your friends,... But with you,... Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves,... If you are not willing to change,... Then dont expect your life to,... Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result,... A mind that is stretched by new experiences and ideas can never go back to its old dimensions,... Forget the risk,... Take the fall,... Because if its what you want,... It is worth it all,... If you want it to happen,... You must make it happen,... If you let it happen,... You wont like what happened,... Positive thinking Sees the invisible and can achieve the impossible,... The only disability in life is a bad attitude and a negative mind,... Theres little difference in people,... But that little difference makes a big difference,... The little difference is attitude,... The big difference is whether its Positive or Negative,... You choose,... Welcome to today,... Another Day,... Think positive and positive things will happen,... Positive thoughts are not enough,... There have to be positive feelings and positive actions,... Dont carry a bad moment all day and turn it into a bad day,... One day youll be just a memory for some people,... Do you best to be a good one,... Always remember,... You are free to choose,... But the choices you make today will determine what you will be, do and having in the tomorrows of your life,... Once you become consciously aware of just how powerful your thoughts are,... Youll realize everything in your life is exactly how you allow it to be,... The future depends on what we do in the present,... Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light,... When the deepest part of you becomes engaged with what you are doing,... Then you are doing what you came here to do,... Some people look for a beautiful place,... Others make a place beautiful,... Things dont happen to you,... They happen for you,... Whatever happened in the past,... Be thankful for where it brought you,... Where you are is where you are meant to be,... Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness,... It gives us exactly what we need at every moment,... Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come,... Where your soul takes you is where you are meant to be,... Part of reaching your destiny is understanding your detours,... Attract what you expect,... Reflect what you desire,... Become What you respect,... And mirror what you admire,... Life is only a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see,... Like a mirror,... What you see as your outside always comes from your inside,... You must be the change you wish to see in the world,... The world is changed by your example,... Not by your opinion,... The way you see people is the way you treat them,... The good you find in others,... Is in you too,... The faults you find in others,... Are your faults as well,... After all,... To recognize something,... You must know it,... The beauty you see around you,... Is your beauty,... See the best in others,... And you will be your best,... Give to others,... And you give to yourself,... Appreciate Beauty,... And you will be beautiful,... Admire creativity,... And you will be creative,... Love,... And you will be loved,... Seek to understand,... And you will be understood,... Listen,... And your voice will be heard,... Everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for,... You Are confined only by the walls you build yourself,... There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path,... Dont let yourself become one of them,... So please watch your thoughts,... They become words,... Watch your words,... They become actions,... Watch your actions,... They become habits,... Watch your habits they become your character,... Watch your character,... It becomes your destiny,... Feel Free To Change,... Look back and get experience,... Look forward and see hope,... Look around and find reality,... Look within and find yourself,... Be someone who listens,... And youll be heard,... Be someone who cares,... And youll be loved,... Be someone who gives,... And youll be blessed,... Be someone who comforts,... And youll know peace,... Be someone who genuinely seeks to understand,... And youll be wise,... Be someone kind,... Someone considerate,... And youll be admired,... Be someone who values the truth,... And youll be respected,... Be someone who takes action,... And youll move forward in life,... Be someone who lifts others higher,... And your life will be rich,... Be someone filled with gratitude,... And there will be no end to the things for which youll be thankful,... Be someone who lives with joy,... With purpose,... As your own light brightly shines,... Be,... In every moment,... The special someone you are truly meant to be,... Be a reflection of what youd like to see in others,... If you want love,... Give love,... If you want honesty,... Give honesty,... If you want respect,... Give respect,... You get on return,... What you give,... Life is an echo,... What we send out comes back,... What we sow we reap,... What you give you get,... What you see in others exists in you,... As soon as you can trust yourself,... You will know how to live,... Love without condition,... Talk without intention,... Give without reason,... And care without Expectation,... Love without Fear,... Trust without questioning,... Need without demanding,... Accept without change,... Want without restrictions,... Desire without inhibitions,... Without dreams there can be no courage,... Without courage there can be no action,... It starts with dreams,... Dreams create desires,... Desires create determination,... Which leads to our destiny,... For every crowd of people who think you cant,... There is someone who knows you absolutely can,... For every morning you look in the mirror and see your flaws,... There is someone who only sees your beauty,... For every night you feel alone,... There is someone whose presence means you never have to feel alone again,... For every memory that makes you cry,... There is someone who shows you the gifts within your past,... For every second you ask how,... or why,... or when,... There is someone who reminds you that all will be revealed,... For every wish you make to be somewhere else,... There is someone whose smile says you are exactly where you need to be,... For every time you lose a little hope,... There is someone who gladly lets you borrow some of theirs,... For every fear that shakes your peace,... There is someone whose whispers bring you back to love,... And for every moment of clarity and wonder,... There is someone who is always ready to share the pure love and joy of simply being alive,... So plz always remind yourself,... I am strong,... Ive been through a lot in my life and Im still standing,... And I know my weaknesses,... I have self-worth,... It took a lot of soul searching to finally see for myself,... I am beautiful,... I dont need anyone to tell me,... I already know my glow,... I am Fearless,... Because I have learned to recognize, Illusion from the real,... I Am wise,... Because I learn from my mistakes,... I am a lover,... Because I have felt hate,... I can laugh,... Because I have known sadness,... I am not perfect,... Nobodys perfect but Ive seen my good and bad sides,... I am just myself,... I will never be alone,... I will always be there for me,... Theres no longer room in my mind for people who arent worthy of being in my heart,... It takes a level of self love,... Of dedication and determination to live your greatest life,... So look within,... Look at every area of your life and ask yourself,... Am I on course,... Am I growing, Mentally,... Emotionally and spiritually,... Is there anything that is blocking that,... Is there anything that is preventing you from living your greatest life,... And make the tough decision to let it go,... Have the courage to be exactly who you are without apology,... Admit your mistakes without beating yourself up,... Release all the same,... Release all the guilt,... You cannot live if you are hiding behind what was,... Focus on what is,... Right now,... And that is YOU,... Let everything we do and say be an expression of the beauty in our hearts and souls,... always based on Love,... Your heart is free,... Let your mind follow,... We are mosaics,... Pieces of light,... Love, History, and stars,... Glued together with magic, Music and words,... Stop the flow of your words,... Open the window of your heart and let your spirit and soul speak through you,... Take time to do what makes your soul happy,... The past is your lesson,... The present is your gift,... The future is your motivation,... Start now,... Start where you are,... Start with Fear,... Start with pain,... Start with doubt,... Start with the hands shaking,... Start with the voice trembling,... Start and dont stop,... Start where you are,... With what you have,... Just start,... The tragedy of life is not death,... But what we let die inside us while we live,... Whatever happens,... wherever you go,... Whatever you do,... Remember this,... No one can take the fire our of your soul,... The Stars our of your eyes,... The passion in your heart,... They are yours forever,... Love is our true destiny,... We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone,... We find it with another,... An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of place or time or circumstances,... The thread may stretch or tangle,... but it will never break,... Open to each thread that comes into your life,... The golden ones and the coarse ones,... And may you weave them into a brilliant and beautiful life,... You are a piece of the puzzle in someone elses,... You may never know where you fit,... But others will fill the holes in their lives with pieces of you,... Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing,... Sometimes we must hurt in order to grow,... We must fail in order to know,... We must loose in order to gain,... Because the best lessons in life are best learned through pain,... Always look for the good in everything,... Sometime the universe doesnt give us exactly what we we want when we want it,... because theres something better down the road,... Every test in our life makes us bitter or better,... Every problem comes to make us or break us,... The choice is ours whether we become victim or victor,... We are not given a good or bad life,... We are given a life,.. Its up to us to make it good or bad,... We have to know the darkness before we can appreciate the light,... Someone else is happy with less than what you have,... When you think everything is someone elses fault,... You will suffer a lot,... Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come,... Where your soul takes you is where you are meant to be,... Dont live the same year 75 times and call it a Life,... Live,... Dont just exist,... Are you really living your life,... Or are you just paying the bills until you die,... Make this your year,... A year of New Breakthroughs,... New Beginnings,... New Adventures,... Increased Confidence and Self Love,... New levels of Awareness,... Peace,... Love and Joy,... Happy New Dreams,... Happy New Days,... Happy New Desires,... Happy New Ways,... Happy New Year,... Happy New You,... Always look for the Good in Everything,... Be Positive,... Evolve into the person you were destined to become,... Believe in yourself,... Evolve,... Grow,... Learn,... Move on,... Love with all your heart and soul,... I am not my thoughts,... Emotions,... Sense perceptions and experiences,... I am not the content of my life,... I am Life,... I am the space in which all things happen,... I am consciousness,... I am the Now,... I am,... Put together by Jim Vouzas 2012 WFF Mr Universe & Overalls Winner,... Plz Share this post so all can enjoy and it can reach as many people as possible to help empower and bring positive change in to everyone who reads it
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 02:07:04 +0000

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