thought id share this just came on my wall beware bullies and fb - TopicsExpress


thought id share this just came on my wall beware bullies and fb trolls , my advice screen shot every thing straight aways as my bullies posted for a few hours then deleted the post so she couldnt be reported , a bit devious , but i have a phone so just screen shoted every thing , this information might be useful to others out there facing lies slander and defamation , please share this on i have a 0 tolerance to bullies this might help some one whos being cyber bullied Please note the following Legal exert is Factual & feel it is important for us all to read & be aware of. ---- Horse Trolls Can Be Prosecuted (And Jailed) We’ve all seen them – the poisonous posts airing grievances about this stud or that breeder or this seller or that owner. But posters beware – you can be prosecuted (and jailed) under Australian law and the internet is no longer as unregulated as you think. “The perceived anonymity of the internet makes some users behave in a manner they normally wouldn’t in person, which may be a mistake because an individual’s online actions may have real world consequences,” , say lawyers from The Find Law Team. “Australia’s first conviction of an internet “troll” who defaced a social network tribute site should be a warning that there are laws that exist to counter bad online behaviour.” “The Commonwealth Criminal Code Act (the Criminal Code) Part 10.6 can be used to prosecute individuals who are “trolls”.” The Act states: 474.17 Using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence (1) A person is guilty of an offence if: (a) the person uses a carriage service; and (b) the person does so in a way (whether by the method of use or the content of a communication, or both) that reasonable persons would regard as being, in all the circumstances, menacing, harassing or offensive. Penalty: Imprisonment for 3 years. This means that if you use an internet connection to post content (to a website or social media) that is menacing, harassing or offensive to another individual, group or business, you can be prosecuted and even face a prison term. States also have their own additional laws governing the use of telecommunication devices (phone, mobile, internet). Find Law says “Internet trolls ... are individuals who engage in online behaviour that is provocative and offensive, with the ultimate goal of garnering some sort of online attention.” The law has already been successfully used in Australia to prosecute an individual. “Arguably, the most common example of trolling behaviour is posting offensive comments in response to a post or article. However, the explosion of the popularity of social networking sites has seen an increase in trolling behaviour – leading to the imprisonment of the first Australian for being a “troll”.” Whether the trolling activity occurs on a public website, blog, forum, or social media – both public pages and private “hidden” groups – if the post is menacing, defamatory or offensive, the offending poster can be prosecuted. “Depending on what type of trolling behaviour was undertaken, there can be a few options available. If an individual believes that they have been defamed, seek legal advice,” says the Find Law team. It is important to keep records of trolling behaviour as these can be used as evidence of menacing, defamatory or offensive behaviour: - Keep a written diary tracking the dates, times and internet sites a troll targeted you - Print copies of the remarks and pages (hard print copy is best but a screen grab can also be used) Additionally: - Do not engage the troll in any kind of communication; in the first place it will perpetuate their behaviour and in the second it can also be used against you in court (you want to be able to show that you did not engage or encourage the troll) - Do Not Respond. Full Stop. No ifs. Buts. Or Maybes. - Seek Legal Advice. Unfortunately you may need to engage a solicitor. Internet law often baffles our “Finest” (police) and it can be useful to have someone onside who knows what is going on.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 04:35:38 +0000

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