thoughts after a morning swim in the ocean, a blatant metaphor of - TopicsExpress


thoughts after a morning swim in the ocean, a blatant metaphor of life of course: jump in trust let go let the waves take you no need to resist them or fight them not need to let any potential fear of turbulence shut you down cause when you shut down right in front of turbulence, thats when you get hit; the waves smash you; if someone is throwing a ball towards you, and you cover your eyes in fear, thats when you get hit... because instead of being present to the moment of what is happening and then like an animal using instinct and the 6th sense to surf the wave of alignment with the movements of atoms in the universe, and be in the mastery of fully catching the ball, you were being present instead to the thoughts of all the things that could go wrong, swirling through the imagination of negative possibilities, and fear took over and instead of ACTing, you REACTed and tried to hide from the ball or whatever it may be, and in that moment actually became even more susceptible than ever to the negative scenarios in the first place, and maybe actually got hit by the ball, hence the irony... back to the waves.... let go, relax, allow the turbulence to flow through you, over you, move you; let go and be loose in the physical, with the breath, and be firm and strong in the choice itself to trust and let go; let that be the only place in that moment there is any effort (not force btw; big difference), in the simple awareness that you are choosing to let go; then from there, the entire experience will be an entirely new experience; full experience; full of grace and ease and excitement and adventure; ups and downs; not that they are not happening anyway regardless, but we have a choice to surf the wave in, or get wiped out, and the experience can be completely amazing, ups, downs, and all arounds, fulfilling and rich. sometimes people get nauseous or sick or dizzy on roller coasters, or riding in a car, when they dont let go and relax and breathe; a good practice for me as been to just let go into the falling; the no gravity; that moment when the stomach drops, and it is completely hollow and empty and creates a vacuum, a space that could be filled with anything, on an extreme level; that moment is the choice, to allow the thoughts of fear to be the space-filler, and then the body goes into tension to protect, and resistance, and tightens up, and it becomes fear and anxiety; suffering; but in that same moment, that same energy can be the most intense excitement instead; euphoria; overwhelming pleasure; that is the choice we have; all the time; when getting injured or hurt or stung or any feeling or sensation at all - spicy food, cold or hot temperatures, things people say; everything outside of us really gives us the choice to be one with it, or one against it; and we can choose our battles; there are times for both, and we can discern and tune in more and more into that; often though, we choose scarcity thoughts (theres not enough for everyone, im not good enough, im going to get sick, or hurt, or die youre going to get sick, or hurt or die ; the endless onslaught of worst possible scenarios [W.P.S.]) we often resist many of the stimuli of life; - example, resisting traffic, or taking something personally that someone says, or if it is really cold outside, and we start shivering and holding ourselves tightly... in that moment, we have identified and categorized the situation or the environment or the words as something different from us, and something we dont want to embrace, and we block, which is often the best thing to do; often though, resisting the stimuli of life instead of embracing it is the moment that we end up experiencing what we are trying to avoid, because the thoughts of the negative experience have now manifested through that act of resistance creating a persistence of the message knocking on the door of our tunnel (imagine the shape of a taurus magnetic energy field) to enter and exit freely on its own, with us the humble witness, observing the stimulus and our bodies and minds and experiences as they are massaged by life itself... as a game, what if you let go of the idea of your feet being sensitive, and try walking on some rocks but take your time, and consciously relax and allow yourself to let go and feel the feet embrace the rocks, hugging them at each point, the weight evenly distributing as you sink into your shiatsu foot massage and feel all the receptors and points being stimulated as the energy shoots all over the body activating the breath and prana as it moves everywhere this is something a lot of people are missing by wearing shoes all the time; carrying around stories about having sensitive feet or it being too hot or cold or dirty .... Im not expecting you to hike the entire Grand Canyon with me barefoot on the first day, but man, the rush of feeling and energy through the feet into the body while being on the earth is powerful; staring at the sun at certain hours; closing your eyes while brushing your teeth sometimes and really feeling the shit out of the bristles as they massage your gums; just every moment of life can have such a serious richness, and of course, everyone needs to follow their own level of comfort, but I also dare you to throw all that out the window and just go nuts for a day full on being an animal and feeling everything on a really intense level; things you thought were pain that suddenly from now on become a warm euphoric sensation pulsing in your head that suddenly feels amazing instead of it being called a headache and you going on a mission to get rid of it like everything else that we are constantly trying to change so we can feel better later when we can actually feel insanely amazing right now just by letting go and loving the crap out of whatever it is that is going on literally right now... we can be in that present moment at all times if we want, and it is not some place we get to later when we have achieved a status, it is a momentary choice that is so easy that we just dont want to believe it sometimes; like only these enlightened people can experience this, or I cant meditate, my mind just wont stop chattering welcome to being human; everyones mind is doing that, it is just the hum and presence of the universe itself in its infinite forms of energy, and thoughts just happen to be on the list along with all other manifestations of the pulse of existence... the whole thing is just a practice, not a state; and we all know all of this stuff, which is great, and we all have made our own conclusions and see things our own ways and have our own ways of describing all of this, and navigating through all of this; but for me, there just is no goal or destination in the future to get to when you are better than you are now because you are not good enough now; you are already always there, which is really here, at least in the literal sense of experiencing life itself; obviously within the world we have goals and things we may want to achieve or do or acquire etc...; that is the best part of the human adventure too; but WHILE doing all of those things, can we enrich the crap out of every moment with the relaxed drop-down into the pulse of the IT. the extreme bonus is, by doing so, we end up nailing all of our goals in the physical anyway at a much more masterful level anyway by being so present... it really is a choice; right now; all the time; simple as that! and just choosing over and over, tens of thousands of infinite moments/per day is the game one can play if they want, just a little nudge of awareness while doing what we always do; a little reminder; because we are always in and out of so many states of thought or non-thought or awareness of a sensation, and then next moment a thought from the past, and next moment a thought of what we need to do in an hour, and then suddenly we smell something somewhere an then we look at a street sign... it is the ride of our lives being human, and it is a hell of an entertaining film in our consciousness to be able to sometimes observe it a bit more and more as we go, without always judging the self in the moment that maybe we observe that we are not breathing in that moment, or are caught in a thought tornado somewhere in the depths of the mind; but gently just noticing each time, letting go of whatever it is we are holding onto in the thoughts, and as a direct result, the breath as well, and dropping back into another adventure and doing it all over again, all day, while brushing our teeth, or talking, or driving, or working or playing or exercising or doing taxes; ANYTHING; that is it. Pretty simple... it really is. The mind might rush in and try to make it way more complicated now, which is awesome! because now we can do it again, and watch, and let it go, and we are back. Try it for a day, let me know how it fits.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 18:50:44 +0000

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