thousands of words to suggest .. lay down & wait for our leaders - TopicsExpress


thousands of words to suggest .. lay down & wait for our leaders to SAVE US ?? chat it up https://facebook/bishoppearsonsfanpage?fref=nf Bishop Carlton Pearson December 4 at 9:15pm · Dont take the bait! Bait is usually perceived as food used to entice fish or other animals as prey. It is an allurement; a thing intended to tempt or entice. As a verb, it means to deliberately annoy or taunt someone. Raw and reactionary emotion and commotion around police brutality and systemic injustices will cause most to mis-diagnose or miss altogether the deeper causes, curses, reasons, reasonings and results of what is occurring in the American social and civil culture these days. Millions are perceiving the Grand Jury understandably as the Grand Imperial Wizard of the KKK, but the issue goes much deeper than that. As an African American who cares about our people, our presence and our often less-realized power in this country, I want to make note of something many are not addressing, and that is that Eric Garner and Michael Brown had a few things in common, not the least of which was that on the last day of their lives, they made epically bad decisions. Each broke the law - though petty, misdemeanor offenses, to be sure, they were sufficient enough to attract the attention of increasingly predictably, unpredictable police. Then after being engaged by police, they tragically, regretfully, stupidly, inexplicably and fatally, resisted, legally armed law enforcement officers, who often experience bouts of egos, anger, arrogance, fear and obvious brutal offensive and defensive aggression. Overly emotional reactions to media-driven, race-baited coverage of the recent Grand Jury decisions not to prosecute or even to try white policemen who killed unarmed black men, both excites and incites anger, rage and profoundly deep-seated victim consciousness that doesnt and wont help or heal. It only exacerbates the tension and plays directly into the hands and plans of what could easily be a sinister and conspiratorial agenda to entice people toward erratic reactionary behaviors that lead to either civil disobedience or outright criminal activities provoked by growing anger and revenge. How we respond to this very volatile, tenuous, testy situation will make the difference of whether or not anything positive, helpful or redemptive can come out of all the hype, hurt, heat and hatred present in our culture today. The police and law enforcement profession is one of the most dangerous, daring and to some, endearing jobs in the American workforce. Judging, pre-judging and/or comprehensively demonizing police officers spreads an atmosphere of both disdain and distrust that I find detrimental to the overall American culture and produces disrespect, disregard and disillusionment in people, particularly our young, that threatens their future social and psychological stability in this country. Systemic distrust and suspicion are tempting tendencies that must avoid becoming excessive and destructive at all costs. We must all note that Eric Garner would be alive today had he not resisted arrest by aggressive, terrorist and possibly terrorized police officers (normal, often angry and ego driven men in uniform with license to kill) and who were apparently summoned by minority business owners who were complaining that Mr Garner, already arrested 31 prior times, was obstructing their businesses by illegally selling his cigarettes. We wouldnt need another march and thered be fewer murders or mistreatments of our people by rogue police officers if we would respect the law and law enforcement officers assigned to protect and serve, not suspect and kill. They are rapidly becoming perceived as public enemy #1. That image can lead to chaos and anarchy everywhere and ultimately to martial law and a police state in this country. People against police and policy is a dangerous and lethal combination. Again, dont take the bait! Mr Garner was obviously murdered while begging for his life and while angry, intimidated, overly aggressive, abusive and surely ego driven police officers panicked, over reacted and wrestled him to the ground. Couldn’t they have tazered him, used pepper spray, etc., instead? Many police officers are intoxicated by their legally authorized power to bare arms and use them carelessly and recklessly against a somewhat resistant alleged law breaker. Though the crime does NOT fit the time,” which Mr Garner, the father of 6 children, no longer has in this earth realm. Eric Garner was obese. He had asthma. He was in no condition to absorb what befell him by those police officers, who not only held him in a prohibitive choke hold, but as an institution with Grand Jury consent, that appears to have a strange choke hold on the country and both Black and non-black protesters are making their disdain known. We must continue to rethink and discuss this and other critical issues relating to responding rather than reacting to this present situation of obvious injustice and conflict between law and laity. This issue goes far deeper than racism, which is only a symptom, not a source or root cause. Let’s keep talking… and more Bishop Carlton Pearson While many have decried the death of another black man at the hands of a white officer, no evidence has come to light to suggest that Pantaleos actions were racially motivated, though they well may have been. But we should note, that his supervising sergeant at the scene was black, and so were some of the officers involved in the confrontation. I do indeed believe the officers got away with murder, but to blame it soley on racism, ignores the many other critical issues around both the criminal justice system and criminality across the board. Joining the masses crying racism is nothing knew, and obviously solves little. Weve done it for decades and racism still exists and prevailed far too often and in far too many ways. Peaceful or non-violent demonstration and protestation only treats a symptom, NOT the source. Repeatedly breaking the law, is irresponsible and leads to tragedy. Racist influences and its hideous power brokers couldnt care less about our street demonstrations, especially when they result in obstructing our own local traffic, burning down our own neighborhoods. destroying our minority owned places of business and portraying us as an agry victimized and helpless culture of people with an African American President and Commander in Chief, as well as an African American Attorney General. Then those destroyed businesses are often bought out by outsiders and millions are syphoned out of minority communities. Please dont take the bait. We must raise our spiritual, social, moral and ethical consciousness and language in order to reach our highest potential as a people often victimized more than others or who perceives ourselves as same. Saying ouch, that hurts and it aint far, does and proves nothing. Cleaning up our act, lack, homes, yards, heads and hearts does make a difference and does so immediately and no race based sadistic objective can stop it. Rather than just crying foul, Take wings like a foul (eagle) and fly out of and above all the clammer and chatter and be the difference we want to make in this world. Honor the law and respect law enforcement. Dont give the so called enemy reasons to abuse their legal authority and then have a grand jury free them from prosecution to continue their scams. Together we stand, divided were stuck! We need laws and law enforcement agents and agencies. We mustnt shoot ourselves in the foot to spite out face. Lets keep conversation going.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 01:37:47 +0000

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