three years ago i began writing a health and fitness ebook. after - TopicsExpress


three years ago i began writing a health and fitness ebook. after a year of experimenting with bodyweight and calisthenic exercises, i started training people at uni. while writing the business plan i thought up of more ways to differentiate myself from the saturated personal training industry. i realised i want to focus on shifting the relationship from trainer-client to teach-student. to educate people on how to become familiar with their anatomies, how to implement activity into their lives and how living a healthy lifestyle is the most efficient, fulfilling road to happiness. i have learnt is that health is more than just the fitness, it is an my vision for the Core Health Program is to move away from the fitness industry into more of a lifestyle niche. to help achieve this, i started working at Suv 2 B.U, an organic kitchen across the road from Bondi Beach, to immerse myself in nutritional education. after two years of working here i will have five years of practical research that bring together exercise, nutrition and spirituality. to get to this point i followed a quite simple formula; think about what makes you happiest and for me it was playing rugby. from there i realised that my career path had to involve me moving freely. so i started writing my own exercise philosophy for modern people, those who dont have the time to go to the gym due to time constraints in todays fast world. and then i started planning and studying everything i wanted my brand to be about. once you have a goal and a plan to achieve it, you are halfway there. the next thing you have to do is be like the time; unrelenting. phrases like i cant have to be deleted from your lexicon. i have had a lot of support from different people over this period and i just want to thank you with all of my heart. i grew up not having a dream, but you have helped me gain the confidence to take the big leaps into the unknown and through this process i have grown in ways i never thought possible x
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 09:11:45 +0000

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