thrw bck story yall k so ther I was on the opposite side f Astan. - TopicsExpress


thrw bck story yall k so ther I was on the opposite side f Astan. I had jst fst roped in2 shidand, or as we called it the shin, pparently dere wuz gonna be afight just on the irianian barder. which the shen was not fart from. I laced upi my merrells and strapped on my crye preciosion cage plate acareier. I checked the bitteriees in my peq15 and mod sure and made sure my m14 wuz still zeroeied so I shot at this sign a thousand meters at the end of da rinway standing I took mi shot and grouped a quarter moa, not being satisfied I lt the barrel cool to close upi mi shit group. then I let her ring. the hole on my three round burst measured just 7.61mm across. I had put all three in the hole. neway I waleked up to genral petraus nnd my man prez obeezy and was all like sup, we ready to this. Obeezy briefed me on the #yolocopter ride over to the dfac about Mahmoud bin saddam o laddin. like on the day tht he briefed me before the bin ladin and the saddam Hussein raids. he said there are easily 12,oo talibans warriors in the border by the iranainas. then 20 companys of iranina armor and irregulars. I said beezy bby, u kno we got dis and me n Viking n prize and ghost took off in our custom matv dune buggy, we must have been doing close to a 100 cross country but the stripped down dorless matv ate up the ride. bout dis timw ehad been taking conatca for well over 24 hours strght. I took over the mk19 mount ndripped off a 437 round belt desimating the Iranian likenes. at this ppoint most of the Taliban sureendederd but we were not taking priosoners. all 4 of our door gunners opened fire and so did our back turret and also so did our missle pods. there wasnt a box o grid squares left newhere on the bft screen.i jumpeded out the turret and did flipping awsom curb stopm on like 4 talinabn.. of course at this point the marines showed up like way late and after me an my mens got all the scalps and ears, but then like out of nowhere that bad guy who I talked about earlierer showed up and I was like by thor and broke his spine over my knee. its like I alwys say have a plan to kill evryone u met, and be polite and profissional when u du it
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 01:29:05 +0000

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