tim in a post from the Fail shock... but im bored with fundy - TopicsExpress


tim in a post from the Fail shock... but im bored with fundy jerks banging on about fundamentalist atheism*, and dismayed at fundy jerks memetic success with agnostics over the conception. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2105834/Career-atheist-Richard-Dawkins-admits-fact-agnostic.html I also dont agree with the idea expressed in the URL [career atheist... , lol]. And note that this is not news, and wasnt in 2012 either. Richard Dawkins has made reference to a more cautious strict definition of his position on a number of occasions. *(fundyism requires faith-in-the-face-of-contradictory-evuidence, science insists [faithfully? ;-) ] in going with the evidence even when it is a pain the ass &/or contradicts what you thought was the case) ;-)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 16:03:16 +0000

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