...time for a great new American enterprise. Words matter. They - TopicsExpress


...time for a great new American enterprise. Words matter. They matter a great deal... especially when the right words are delivered for the right reason, at the exact right moment in time. I wasnt alive at the time John F. Kennedy delivered his inaugural address on January 20, 1961... but I know what he said. Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country is what he said. Just about everyone knows what he said on that day I guess, but very few people know where those words came from. They came from Ted Sorenson... John Kennedys friend and speechwriter. Why does this matter so many years later and after both men are dead? It matters because the consciousness of the greatest nation on earth was awakened by that idea and today, more than 50 years later... the promise of an inspired nation remains beyond all our reach. It also matters because after JFK... one politician and speechwriter after another have taken their best shot at capturing the magic of The Kennedy Administration. Barack Obama has good words. Perhaps the best since JFK. But so far he presides over a bitterly divided America and at least half of the nation no longer listens to what he has to say... and under his watch, the manned space program has taken its last flight. Now when America needs a ride into space... We need to hitch a ride from Russia. I wonder what JFK would have to say about that. JFK also said it is time for a great new American enterprise. Thats another line the politicians really like. President Obama isnt the first person or politician to suggest that America needs another man on the moon type of inspirational challenge. The problem is, each and every time another politician makes such a speech... their words ring hollow. Dont know what I mean? Think John Edwards War on Poverty. Weve heard it all before. But now its The American Dream that is in trouble and We all know its true. So The secret Dream Code Project is an idea that all of America should hope is a dream come true. There was a time... not so long ago, when our minds were organized by the protection of our clan or tribe and we needed this orientation to survive. Now what matters most is the preservation and protection of the Purposes that we hold dear and it just doesnt matter what religion, country or skin a person is in... as long You share the Same Purpose. So its finally time to see the dream of The secret Dream Code Project through to a successful end. Because once every person in The World goes to work one inspired step at a time... We will all be very surprised at just how fast The Worlds problems go away... One giant leap for mankind at a time. We should never forget it was The Story of mankinds Walk on The Moon that gave us all the proof mankind needed to see, to see just how big we could be when we set our sights together as high and far as we could dream and believe. Today, with so much that has gone wrong and so much that needs to be fixed... no one can afford to turn their back to the expansive needs of their nation. Out of a sense of patriotism and necessity America needs to take a second look at the words that inspire hope and change... and perhaps in the future, change the way we as a nation respond to all the empty words. https://facebook/SecretDreamCodeProject
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 13:14:01 +0000

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