tips for psychic development August 10, 2013 at 1:10pm 1) - TopicsExpress


tips for psychic development August 10, 2013 at 1:10pm 1) Proceed with faith. The ultimate and most important cornerstone of all things extrasensory is not just believing, but knowing that you can do it, that its real, and that your instincts are always right. 2) Proceed with love. Having enough trust and knowing yourself well enough to develop any ability is always something to be incredibly grateful for - even if you decide to keep it for yourself, always hold it close to your heart as a gift you have blessed yourself with. If you decide to share it, youre bringing a little bit more love into the world! 3) Proceed with caution. Its a good idea to mentally wrap yourself in energy-based protection first, such as a deep blue cloak or armour. While you will inevitably have to push boundaries at some point, it is vital that you know your limits. If you become uncomfortable at any time, stop what youre doing. Otherwise, be utterly fearless, and know you are safe. What are psychic abilities? Below I have listed some examples of various psychic gifts that I have personal experience with (please note I have only listed the gifts that do not involve props such as cards or mirrors etc, since you normally receive a guide with them). Everyone feeling brave enough can try them all. Some people will have a strong knack for some of the below, so give it a spin - you may uncover a hidden talent! Animal communication (also known as animal psychics) This one is rather rare. Obviously having a deep love for animals is necessary ingredient, as well as a lot of patience and determination, because animals communicate completely differently from humans. Put simply, to speak to an animal you need to mentally project a strong, clear image into their mind, accompanied by the feelings you wish to express. For example, send your cat or dog a picture or themselves, all shiny and beautiful, along with a great big mental cuddle to express how much you love them. Dont be surprised if they come running over after a try or two - most animals are very receptive. Its not the same as working as an animal psychic, but you may be interested in reading more about finding your animal spirit guide Receiving messages (also known as claircognience, clairaudience, or very commonly referred to as just plain psychic) This is when you simply know something. It is commonly sporadic (but you can indeed train yourself to look at an issue and receive an answer) and frequently comes as a form of vivid, specific, flashing picture that just pops into the mind. Another form is hearing something, or words and sounds drifting through your line of thought that just feels different. Physical sensations are often involved, too. These messages are very commonly accompanied by a strong feeling of purpose, and frequently strong emotional responses, which defines them from passing thoughts. More people experience this than they realise because it can be somewhat subtle in comparison to what most people expect from the word psychic. If youd like to start receiving messages, you need to really focus on opening your mind and being aware of more than just whats going on around you. Extend your spirit to the universe, feel connected to the entire world. Have faith and itll happen. Note: this kind of gift can also occur in dreams! Psychomancy (also known as clairsentience or energy reading) If Snow White had done a bit of psychomancy and read the apple instead of eating it, there would have been a lot less trouble all round. I love this one! Psychomancy specifically is taking an object and reading the energy from it... For example, taking a ring and describing the weather on the day it was given as a gift to a significant other. It simply takes practice and focus to allow yourself to become an energy conduit in this way. Similarly, with practice you can read the energies of a room or place or again an object, maybe even without touching anything... Mediumship (also known as spirit communication) This will sometimes occur in the form mentioned above (messages), or more commonly seeing or hearing departed spirits. Its certainly one of the more complicated and potentially frightening gifts, but it can bring endless comfort and peace to many people. Because this can be a little more difficult to control, and involves more than just your own psychic self, I strongly suggest psychically protecting yourself first (you should certainly be doing it before ANY kind of extrasensory practicing if youre a novice). When you feel nice and safe and strong, open your senses up, and follow whatever feels right. You might see smoky lighted colours, shadows, or full on spectral images. You might get a mental picture of a departed soul, accompanied by a feeling that they want you to pass on something. You might actually hear them whispering in your ear. Be unafraid. It can be quite intense but youre in control, you can break communication any time you need to. It takes patience and courage but it can be a wonderfully inspiring experience. Most of the spirits Ive encountered have been truly lovely, and the ones not so lovely just needed a bit of guidance. Be sure to say goodbye and send them on when its time - you wouldnt want them to get lost or confused! Aura reading In aura readings, colour fields surrounding a person (not normally visible to the naked eye) represent different states My personal favourite and strongest gift that I consider an honour to share with the world. Having your aura read is a wonderful way to heal your spirit! It involves seeing a persons astral body, which shows up as several layers of vivid colour and extends close to two feet outside the body. Each layer is different and each aura is different. The inside layer is closest to your heart and soul so its got the highest energy level, and is usually a white-blue colour, and the outside tends to be a deeper blue or sometimes just white. Reading auras involves the mid-level layer, which is made up of patches of colour that reflect your personality and events in your life. For example, deep, slow-moving purples tend to be emotional or sometimes physical scars, pretty light green tends to be a sign of new things and emotional growth, and any gold or sparkling colours are rare blessings, talents and callings. Because of the level or emotion involved, its deeply personal and often moving, so practice on yourself or someone who you trust. Although note you may have to go for the latter - Ive only met one other person aside from myself who can read their own aura. Weird, eh? Theres a few good methods for learning to read auras. A nice way to start is to sit in a dark, quiet room (but make sure you can still see, of course!) then rub your hands together at eye level and slowly move them apart. Look for colours or wiggly lines of energy. Itll undoubtedly take a few tries, but youll get there. You can also interlock your fingers and similarly draw them apart. After this, get your hands on some black and white photos - when you start off, its easier to notice subtle colours when theres no colour to start with! Really look for energies and signs in the photo, and pay attention to how you feel - are you hot or cold, happy or sad? These indications will help you develop your skills. Oh, and every last person Ive asked can feel their own aura. Lets try now, shall we? Rub your hands together, stick them out a little less than arms distance in front of you, palms facing inwards, and take a deep, cleansing breath. As you breathe back in, move your hands slowly closer to your body. Do you feel that lovely light, fuzzy energy? If you feel something, pause and wiggle your fingers. Youll notice that the closer you get to your body, the thicker your aura feels. Let your hands rest on your chest and send a little bit of loving energy back in when youre done. Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to extrasensory stuff, but its a good place to start. So get practising - we are all magickal! Many thanks to the two lovely spirits who popped in to say hello and inspired me to share some of my knowledge :)
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 19:39:49 +0000

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