to those that do not know have no idea confused wonder what - TopicsExpress


to those that do not know have no idea confused wonder what comes out of the diluted weak minded western media let it be clear the hamas is fighting to destroy israel it is attacking israel relentlessly for 9 years launching thousands of missiles on civilian population with purpose to cause as much damage as possible the responsibility for this war lies entirely on the hamas anyone blaming israel for acting in its defense has a loos weak mind that is unable to understand reality as it is for all those that object the existence of israel all that is done against israel would be right and anything israel does in its defense would be wrong we have already sorted this out we need to pay no attention to those who do not accept our existence for we know if we depended on them we would simply not be accusing israel for committing a crime against humanity while being attacked by evil people that wish to kill civilians and cause damage as much as they can can only come from people who have a distorted mind filled with hate blind to the truth trying to impose their hatred on all imagine canada digging tunnels under the border with the US with the purpose of launching terror attack on US citizens imagine canada launching one missile on the US what would the US do then ? if it went to destroy iraq for no apparent reason what would the US do to if attacked by canada do you know ? you do not ? you do ? so to all weak loos minds i can only say do not inflict your stupidity on us living your hatred for generations we have learned that the only land we can be safe on is our own land
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:38:07 +0000

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